By the immense grace of Sri Swamiji and Sri Premika Vardha Takurji March is a month of joyous celebrations at Atlanta Namadwaar. Atlanta Namadwaar celebrated Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Jayanthi and 5th Prathishta Day in a beautiful 3 day event along with Srimad Bhagawatha Sapthaham. Kids of all ages joined the celebration with an offering of Madhurageethams on Nama Mahima at Namadwaar for the pleasure of Sri Swamiji and Sri Premika Varadha Takurji
Day 1 – March 17th 2022: 12 hours Akanda Nama via Zoom. In the evening, devotees gathered at Namadwaar for 2 hours of Nama.
Day 2 – March 18th 2022: As a part of the 5th Pratishta celebration, the lordships were seated on an exquisitely handcrafted Ranga Vimanam befitting the Lordships’ regal and divine beauty. The lordships swaying in their beautiful swing to the melodious singing of the Bhagavatas was a spectacle to behold. Click the link below to catch a glimpse of the divine beauty
The evening was filled with beautiful Nikunjotsavam offering. The little Bhagavatas presented an engaging skit on Nama Mahima featuring the story of great King Ambarisha. The skit highlighted how the power of Nama Mahima saved the devote king from the wrath of Mahamuni Dhurvasa.
Day 3 – March 19th 2022: Mahamantra mass prayer. Over 90+ devotees gathered at Namadwaar to offer their prayers and gratitude towards Sri Swamiji and Sri Takurji. The evening was further enriched with devotees sharing their beautiful Nama Mahima experiences that everyone relished.