By the immense grace of Sathguru Maharaj and Thakhurji, Sri Premika Varadan and Madhurisakhi, Bay Area, California was blessed with three days of Bhagavath Gunanubhavam satsangs. Sri Gadadharanji, disciple of HH. Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, showered nectarine Bhaktha Charithram Katha from Srimad Bhagavatam on all the days. On the 1st of March, in San Jose at the residence of Smt. Ramya Srinivasan and Sri GB, he expounded on Dhruva Charithram wonderfully highlighting the significance of Guru’s grace. On the 2nd of March in Fremont at the residence of Smt. Kalpana and Sri.Shankar, the katha was on Ajamila Charithram lucidly establishing Bhagavanama Sidhantham being the path for this current age. On the concluding day (3rd March) at the residence of Smt. Shanthi and Sri Dilip, Gadadharanji’s discoursed on Ambareesha Charithram. He very beautifully conveyed how Bhagavan is bound by the love and affection of His dear bhakthas. Around 70 people who attended the satsangs on all days thoroughly enjoyed and felt absolutely blessed. These satsangs concluded with a prayer for the wellbeing of one and all and also for the successful commencement and completion of our Sri Aishwarya Srinivasa Perumal Temple construction in Houston.