By the immense grace of Sri Swamiji, Detroit GOD Satsang members celebrated Sri Poornimaji’s visit to Detroit with beautiful satsangs from January 10-11 2023. Sri Poornimaji’s day discourse series on Sri Hanuman Chalosa went very well at Sri Balaji temple in Great Lakes on Wednesday, January 11th 2023. Sri Poornimaji lucidly explained the divine Charitra of the great Sri Hanuman ji Acharya and everyone listened with awe and reverence. 40 devotees listened to Sri Poornimaji’s divine expositions.
Day 1: Madhura Geetham Concert on 01/10/2023.
With the grace of Sri Guru Maharaj, Detroit GOD Satsang conducted 2 days satsang with Sri Poornima ji at Sri Balaji Temple of Great lakes from Tuesday, January 10th 2023 to Wednesday, January 11th 2023.
Madura Geetham concert was sung by Smt. Sripriya Venkatesan, Smt. Mohana Chandran , Smt. Malini Rangaswamy and Smt Jayshree Ramesh. Sri Ashwath Mahesh supported on Violin and Sri Venkatesh on Mridangam. There was around 45 devotees participated and attended the concert and got the Sri Guruji’s blessings.
Day 2: Discourse on Hanuman Chalisa by Sri Poornima ji on 01/11/2023.
Sri Poornima ji had delivered Hanuman Chalisa discourse at Sri Balaji Temple of Great Lakes on Wednesday, January 11th 2023. There was around 40 devotees who attended and listened the discourse.
Everyone had enjoyed the lecture.
Synopsis or Essence (सारांश) of Sri Hanuman Chalisa (SHC) Pravachan by Poornimaa ji, disciple of Sri Sri Sri Muralidhara Swami ji of Madhurapuri Mahanyam Village, Sriperambadur, TN
1. One of the very first slokas Poornima ji recited was a Mangalaacharan (Mangalam) from Sri Tulasi RaamaCharitMaanas (SRCM) Sundarkand.
नान्या स्पृहा रघुपते हृदयेSस्मदीये
सत्यं वदामि च भवानखिलान्तरात्मा I
भक्तिं प्रयच्छ रघुपुङ्ग्व निर्भरां मे
कामादि दोष रहितं कुरु मानसं च II
मूल — गोस्वामि श्री तुलसीदास जी के द्वारा रचित श्रीमद् रामचरितमानस सुन्दरकाण्ड का मंगलाचरण
हे रघुनाथजी! मैं सत्य कहता हूँ और फिर आप सबके अंतरात्मा ही हैं (सब जानते ही हैं) कि मेरे हृदय में दूसरी कोई इच्छा नहीं है। हे रघुकुलश्रेष्ठ! मुझे अपनी निर्भरा (पूर्ण) भक्ति दीजिए और मेरे मन को काम आदि दोषों से रहित कीजिए॥2॥ ॐ ॐ ॐ
Goswami Tulasidas prays to Sri Raama “Hey Raghunath ji! I’m saying the truth and being all pervading consciousness, You already know that I’ve no other desire in my heart. O Best among the descendants of Raghu! Grant me steady, unwavering bhakti towards You and get rid of Kaama and other doshas (krodha, lobha, moha, mada, matsarya, etc) in my mind.”
2. She then reminded the connection between Sri Venkateshwara of Tirumala and Hanuman ji.
Anjana devi, mother of Hanumanji, did tapasya on Anjanaadri, one of the seven hills of Tirumala.
तिरुपति के सात पर्वतों (सप्तगिरि) के नाम :
१ वेङ्कटाद्रि (इस पर्वत पर हैं भगवन् वेङ्कटेश्वर / बालाजी का मन्दिर) २ नारायणाद्रि ३ शेषाद्रि ४ गरुडाद्रि ५ नीलाद्रि ६ अञ्जनाद्रि ७ वृषभाद्रि
Seven hills / peaks of Tirumala, representing the seven heads of Adishesha – 1. Venkataadri – Tirumala Temple is on this hill 2. Naaraayanaadri 3. Sheshaadri 4. Garudaadri 5. Neelaadri 6. Anjanaadri 7. Vrushabhaadri
BTW, aadri in Sanskrit is hill.
3. Samsari and Sanyasi / Sadhu
Samsari is wrapped up in samsara most of the time. Taking care of samsara or family or work or personal needs takes precedence / priority over visiting temple or bhakti.
Sanyasi / sadhu is one whose first prioity is bhakti. After that, if they have time other activities are taken care of.
4. Weekday (like today) is a weak day for satsang. Only those that have the grace / krupa of the Lord are attending today’s satsang.
5. Hanuman ji is only bhakta who has temples all over the world.
6. Bhagwaan, especially in Tirupathi, is standing 24/7 for us. Is put to bed around 2:30AM and woken up at 3 AM. We think we’re serving Him but infact He is always concerned about us, He takes care of our needs and wants.
7. Greatest compassion / krupaa that Bhagaan can give us is satsang.
8. राम दुआरे तुम रखवारे। होत न आज्ञा बिनु पैसारे।।
Quoted by Poornima ji. Per the above verse from SHC, the dwarapalaka / gate keeper of Sri Raama’s abode is Hanuman ji. He will allow only qualified / exalted devotees to enter.
9. बिनु सतसंग बिबेक न होई । राम कृपा बिनु सुलभ न सोई ।।
Per this verse quoted by Poornima ji from SRCM, without satsang one does not get vivek or gyanam or wisdom. And without Raama krupa one does not get Satsang.
10. The greatest grace of Bhagwaan is to help us understand everything is happening because of His grace (not us).
11. Who all pray to Hanuman ji, quoted by Poornami ji from SHC
सनकादिक ब्रह्मादि मुनीसा।
नारद सारद सहित अहीसा।।
जम कुबेर दिगपाल जहां ते।
कबि कोबिद कहि सके कहां ते।।
Sanakadi – Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanathkumara
Brahma, munis, Narada, Sarada / Saraswati devi, Adishesha, Dharmaraja Yama, Kubera, Dikpalakas (Indra, Agni, Yama, Nairutti, Varuna, Vayu, Kubera and Eshana). None of the aforementioned entities / kavis can describe the greatness or glories of Hanumanji.
12. Dharma raja Yama is one of the 12 exalted bhaktas mentioned in Srimad Bhagwat Mahapuran. Prahalada and Bali maharaj are two Asura Bhaktas in that list.
13. Raamaayana is comparable to Veda. Sundarakand is the essence of Vedas or comparable to Upanishad.
14. In Srimad Bhagwat MahaPurana, canto 7 is dedicated to a great bhakta Prahalada. So also, in Raamaayana, Sundarkaanda is dedicated to Hanuman ji.
15. सुन्दरे सुन्दरो रामः सुन्दरे सुन्दरी कथा सुन्दरे सुन्दरी सीता सुन्दरे सुन्दरं वनम्। सुन्दरे सुन्दरं काव्यं सुन्दरे सुन्दरः कपिः सुन्दरे सुन्दरं मन्त्रं सुन्दरे किं न सुन्दरम्॥
Quoted by Poornima ji.
Sri Raama is beautiful, katha is beautiful, Sita is beautiful, Ashka vanam is beautiful, Raamaayana Kavyam is beautiful, Kapi Hanuman ji is beautiful, the mantras / slokas are beautuful, what is not beautiful in Sundarakaanda?
16. As long as Sita devi was dedicated / had bhakti towards Sri Raama and not distracted by the golden deer (Maareecha / maya), She was happy / ananda, so was Sri. Raama.
As soon as She was attracted to maya (golden deer Maareecha), She was miserable. More than Her the Lord was miserable. Once She was abducted by Ravana and Jatayu trying to save Her, we do not really get to read or see Her misery. But Raama is distraught, more miserable than Sita devi.
So also, as long as Paramaatma (Sri Raama) and Jeevaatma (Sita devi) are together, both are happy.
Once the Jeevaatma comes under the spell of Maya, Jeevaatma is miserable. But Patamatma is more miserable than Jeevaatma, seperated from Jeevaatma.
Deer is maya
Ravana’s 10 head are 5 karmendriyas (hands, legs, speech, genitals / upastha and anus / payu) and 5 Gyanendriyas (5 sense organs – ears, skin, eyes, nose,tongue).
Lanka is like Samsara surrounded by water or maya, can’t escape.
Sita devi is in shoka vanam but it became Ashoka vanam becauase She contemplated on Raama and did nama sankeertan.
17. श्रीगुरु चरन सरोज रज, निज मनु मुकुरु सुधारि।
Quote by Poornima ji from HC.
Goswami ji starts HC by praying to Guru. He says with the dust of the lotus feet of Guru, we need to cleanse / wipe off the dust (mala, aavarna, vikshepa) covering our minds / for chitta shuddhi.
18. Hanuman ji is a Guru bringing Jeevaatmas like Sita devi, Sugreeva and Vibhishana to Bhagwaan.
19. Hanuman ji’s original name is Sundara given by Maa Anjana. Hanuman ji mistook Sun to be a fruit and lept towards it to eat it. Indra hit Hanuman ji on His cheek, with his vajra weapon. Hence the name Hanumaan.
20. Hanuman ji’s guru is Surya. Surya asked Hanuman ji, as Gurudakshina, to help His Amsha i.e. Surya Amsha Sugreeva. Sugreeva lived in constant fear of Vaali, Indra amsha.
21. During Raama avatara, Raama killed Indra amsha Vaali, protected Surya amsha Sugreeva. In Krishna avatara, Indra amsha Arjuna was protected while Surya amsha Karna was not.
22. Story of Sugreeva and Vaali. Maya danava’s son Maayaavi’s challenge, the fight, the cave, Sugreeva waits for a month, blood stream comes out of cave, Sugreeva thinking Vaali is killed covers the entrance of the cave with a huge boulder, reluctantly becomes the king, Vaali arrives, Sugreeva exiled, lives on Rushtamuka parvata b/c Vaali cannot enter that mountain else his head would explode due to a curse of Matanga rishi / Dudhubhi Vaali fight / Dundubhi’s death….
23. Learn humility from Hanuman ji. Despite being a repository of Gyana, Guna, Bala, Buddhi…He is extremely humble…always by the feet of Sri Raama, with folded hands – Anjali mudra.
24. During the war Brahmastra was released and Sri Raama and Lakshmana fall unconscious. Jambavaan enquires with Vibhishana if Hanuman ji is okay. His concern was not Sri Raama or Laxmana lying unconscious. Because with Hanuman anything is possible…He is the Asadhya Sadhaka Swamin….and brings Sanjeevani buti again to revive the two brothers.
असाध्य साधक स्वामिन असाध्य तव किंवद ।
राम दूत कृपा सिंधो मत्कार्यं साधयप्रभो ||
असाध्य – impossible / unable to accomplish साधक – accomplish / fulfill स्वामिन – lord
असाध्य – impossible / unattainable
तव – you
किम् – what
वद – tell
राम – Raama
दूत – messenger
कृपा – compassion
सिंधो – ocean
मत् — from me
कार्यम् – task
साध्य — accomplish
प्रभो – lord
You are the Lord that accomplishes what is impossible to accomplish. Tell me O messenger of Raama – What is impossible for you to accomplish? You’re an ocean of compassion, help me accomplish / fulfill my tasks / work.