HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji’s jayanthi falls in the Tamil Aippasi month, Swathi nakshatra, and is during the time of Deepavali every year (Nov 14 this year). This year, in accordance with Sri Swamiji’s special wish that the day only be observed prayerfully by chanting the Mahamantra, all G.O.D. satsangs across the USA, with the desire to please the Guru, celebrated his Jayanthi by conducting Akhanda Mahamantra kirtan.
Akhanda Mahamantra sankirtan (continuous chanting of six hours or more) was conducted in Atlanta, Detroit, New Jersey, Orlando, Virginia, Raleigh, Minneapolis, Houston, Dallas, CA Bay Area, Seattle.
Devotees in New Jersey specially offered 1 million Mahamantra to Sri Swamiji on this occasion. They had started chanting for this purpose from October and completed 1 million on Sri Swamiji’s jayanthi day, Nov 14th. They also did 24 hours of Akhanda Mahamantra chanting on Nov 14th.
A global Nama relay was conducted across the world for this occasion, where several cities from 17 countries participated, chanting a minimum of 2 hours of Nama each. 16 cities in US and Canada participated in this Nama relay.
A special nationwide online satsang was held on Nov 14 evening, where Sri Swamiji’s disciple, Sri Ramanujamji, joined from Sri Swamiji’s Madhurapuri Ashram in India. Here is the message that he shared with all devotees:
“It’s a lovely and an auspicious day for all of us, as part of our beloved Guru Maharaj’s family, G.O.D. And today we are celebrating prayerfully both Diwali and Jayanthi utsav of beloved Guru Maharaj. Our Guru Maharaj ordained all of us to observe this day with prayers and Mahamantra alone and not with festivities, and Sri Swamiji always says that the #1 expectation of Bhagavan from all of us is absolute obedience to the words of the Guru. Yes, we would have preferred something grander, we would have loved to have something better but all that doesn’t matter when it comes to what our Guru wants us to do. In fact we are all here for that alone. I am so happy to hear that all our family members in North America and also across the world have celebrated this day with what our Guru Maharaj loves the most, which is Mahamantra kirtan. So my humble pranams and greetings to all our beloved brethren in GOD satsang.
“Today our Swamiji told all of us that what he prefers is actually to add more and more wealth of Nama, wealth of Mahamantra, so that the various activities that Sri Swamiji is planning can be done smoothly. Swamiji always says that the real strength for all of us to execute, or be a part of the grand vision and grand work of a Mahatma, is always possible only by Nama balam, the strength of the Divine Name. That is why Swamiji also ordained all of us to chant the divine name, the Mahamantra.
“Generally we find that it is the Ram Naam that empowers even undeserving or ineligible candidates for divine work. The example is given by an Azhwar when he says that all the monkeys, Vanaras, that were part of Rama sena, had actually never fought a proper war. In fact, the maximum they had encountered was a minor quarrel among themselves. And with that army of monkeys, Ramachandra Prabhu could vanquish the great army of Ravana who were all trained in proper warfare, who had divine weapons and even demonic weapons. All that was overcome just by an army of Vanaras because they aligned themselves to the will and the strength of Ram. To make it very simple, they aligned themselves to the will of Ramachandra Prabhu and they derived their strength from the name of our Ramachandra Prabhu. And that’s exactly what we all are. We are not trained volunteers, we are not trained counselors, we are not trained pracharaks, and I don’t think we need all that. All that we need on this day is to redeem our resolve to align our thoughts and our will to the will of our beloved Master keeping all our likes and dislikes aside, and to strengthen ourselves with the name given by the Master which is Mahamantra kirtan. Both these wonderful streams have come to a confluence on this auspicious day of Diwali, the festival of lights and also our Sri Swmaij jayanthi which is also festival of inner light.
“So once again many many Diwali wishes to all our dear brothers and sisters in North America and beyond, and also special Sri Swamiji jayanthi wishes to all our brothers and sisters in North America and beyond. May our Guru Maharaj bless us with more and more resolve to fill our day with Mahamantra. Let our prayer be that our will be completely submitted to the divine will; let our prayer be that our strength be aligned to the work that is divinely ordained; let our prayer be that our words be sweet and filled with compassion; and let our prayer be that our life not go in vain, let it be a life that is spent in divine purpose. And let our prayer be that let there be love in the heart… love for our beloved Master, and hence love for our Thakurji and our Swamini Srimati Radha Rani, and hence love for every human being in this planet, and hence love for everything which is living in this planet, so that we can truly realize the wonderful dictum given by our Swamiji, which is Humanity and Divinity are inseparable.
“Guru Maharaj is very happy that all of us are filling our day with Mahamantra. It is indeed the Guru’s krupa that we have spent a day with Mahamantra, it is the Guru’s krupa that he is also very pleased with the fact that we have filled the day with Mahamantra.
“May every day be like this day. Like Sri Swamiji says, Indru pol endrum. Like today, everyday. Let all the days be filled with divine words, divine thoughts, divine mantra, and also love and compassion in our hearts and let our acts be meaningful and our life be purposeful.
Let us conclude with a prayer again to our Guru Maharaj’s holy feet that he enhances the love in the heart, enhances the light in our intellect and enhances the strength in our bodies, so that we can lead a life that is divinely purposeful.
“Radhe Radhe, prayers and pranams.”