Why Me?
How many times have we asked this question: “Why me?” Why do troubles always come searching only for me? Why me, God? Why me? What have I done to you that you make me go through all this?
Even though, it is a fact that everything happens because of karma, it does not ease the suffering. Then, what is our hope during the times of trouble? How can prayer help us?
Click here to read the entire article
Cherished Memoirs – 52
How Mahans Protect the Vedas
The Vedas are the basis of our Sanatana Dharma. It is the blueprint of the entire universe. It is the Word of God. But now and then, due to Time, the Vedas disappear from the view of the world. And always there are Mahatmas who strive to revive Vedic knowledge and reinstate it in its exalted position. Dr. Bhagyanathanji speaks of one such Vedic event that was held recently in Bengaluru.
Click here to read the divine experience
Madhura Geetam – Sloka Series: 9
Premika Varada and Madhurisakhi Gadhyams
In this series, we present, each month, divine verses and slokas of praise and prayer composed by His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, and their meaning.
Sri Swamiji has composed gadhyams describing the beauty and the qualities of our dear Lord Premika Varadan and Madhuri sakhi that can be recited as they are coming in the procession.
Click here to read the gadhyams.
Kids Contribution
Greatness of Divine Names #6
Countless saints in our Kali Yuga preach the path of chanting the divine Hari Nama, as it is the easiest path to attain the lotus feet of our Lord. In this series, our young writers will share stories and incidents from the lives of devotees that highlight the greatness of the Divine Name.
Tukaram feeds an army with Nama
A young writer, Karthik from California narrates an incident from the life of the great devotee Tukaram, that extolls the power of Nama.
Kids Contribution
Lord Krishna – Art work by a kid
Click here to see the art work
Panduranga Bhakta Series 8
How much do you know about the great devotee Tukaram?
News of the month (August – September 2017)
**Sri Poornima ji’s Satsangs in the US
**’Bhagavata Rasamrutham’- 2-Day Discourse Series in Acton, MA
Click here for detailed report
**Madhura Utsav in Hopkinton, MA
Click here for detailed report
**Ground Breaking Satsang in Albany, NY
Click here for detailed report
**’Aho Rasikaah’-Bhagavatam Workshop in Concord, MA
Click here for detailed report
**Ground Breaking Satsang in Cleveland, Ohio
Click here for detailed report
**’Sri Ramanuja Vaibhavam’- 5-Day Discourse series in Detroit, MI
Click here for detailed report
Sri Poornima ji’s Fall Programs
Sri Poornimaji, a senior disciple of HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, who is touring the US between September to December 2017 will conduct spiritual discourses and a variety of youth educational programs, which includes personality development and enablement lectures in schools and colleges, mainly catering to children and young adults across different parts of the country.
New Jersey, Sep 27- Oct 1
Bhakta Vijayam Discourse Series Flyer
Contact: Sri.Prakash Jayaraman: 609-647-9555
Sri.Vijay: 732-491-7601
Edmonton Canada – Oct 2-8
Srimad Bhagavata Saptaha Mahayagna at Edmonton Shridi Sai Baba Temple, Alberta, Canada Flyer
Toronto, Canada Oct 12- 17
Sri Krishna Leela at Sri Siva Satyanaryana Temple at Mississauga, ON
Jacksonville, FL – Oct 18-24
Sri Krishna Leela Discourse at Shirdi Sai Temple, Greenland Road, Jacksonville Flyer
Contact: Smt.Mangala Gowri: 904-477-8821
Sri.Sridhar: 904-403-3577
Richmond, VA – Oct 25-29
Details coming soon
Raleigh, NC – Oct 30- Nov 5
Srimad Bhagavata Saptaham
Atlanta, GA – Nov 6-12
Nov 8: Inauguration of Atlanta Namadwaar
Please contact Sri.Kishore for more details @ (404)-788-7391
Minneapolis, MN – Nov 13-19
Contact: Smt.Priya Murali: 425-445-0157
Dallas, TX – Nov 20-27
Madhura Utsav 2017 Flyer
Contact: Sri.Mayakoothan: 1-830-4GOD-DAL
Nov 25 – Shri Krishna Sharanam Mama, A Kuchipudi Dance Ballet on the divine pastimes of Lord Krishna Flyer
Other Events:
Dallas, TX
Oct 7 – ‘Life and soul’ free health fair from 8.00 AM-12.00 PM, Pebble Creek Montessori Plano TX. See Flyer.
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