Inauguration of the first Namadwaar in Canada
Warm welcome to the first Canadian Namadwaar and the 6th Namadwaar in North America!
What is Ananya Bhakti (One-Pointed Devotion)?
What is one-pointed devotion (ananya bhakti)?Why does Bhagavan value this so much? Is it not narrow-mindedness?
Relishing the Venkatesha Vaibhavam Series #9
A Prayer to Perumal in the Presence of Thayar
In this ninth episode, we shall delve into a nectarine verse of Nammazhwar which fully embodies the spirit of complete surrender.
Cherished Memoirs
Only God
Sri Swamiji’s immense compassion for a devotee who was in utter grief and his words of solace.
read the article to know more>>
Madhurageethams Referencing Surya
In this month’s quiz, let’s enjoy various references to Surya in the nectarine verses of the divine Sri Madhurageethams of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji.
News of the Month ( Jan – Feb 2023)
Sri Poornimaji’s Satsangs Across the US
Vaikunta Ekadasi Celebration at Namadwaar Dallas TX
Bhaktha Jana Vatsale – Sri Poornimaji’s Satsang in Minneapolis, MN
Bhakta Charitram Discourse Series in Bay Area, CA
Kuchela Upakhyanam Discourse by Sri Poornimaji in Sacramento, CA
Maiden Satsang at Sri Ganesha Temple, Anchorage Alaska
3-Day Discourse series by Sri Poornimaji in Seattle, WA
Madhura Utsav 2023 led by Sri Poornimaji at Namadwaar Dallas, Tx
Bhakta Vijayam discourse series by Sri Poornimaji in Orlando, FL
Bhaktha Vijayam Satsangs by Sri Poornimaji in Jacksonville, FL
Other News
Maha Shivaratri Celebrations at Namadwaar, Atlanta GA
Monthly Satsang at Udipi Sri Krishna Temple, Raleigh NC
Upcoming Events:
Sri Poornimaji’s programs in Edmonton Canada, Toronto Canada, Phoenix, Irvine CA, Charleston SC, Philadelphia, New Jersey/New York
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