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Nama Dwaar Newsletter celebrates its Second Anniversary this month!
The Divine Family
How beautiful is the institution of a family! The father being tough and rigorous ensures the intellectual nourishment of the child and the mother compliments by providing love and care. How would it be if this institution was applicable on the spiritual front too?
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Mind and Matters – 4
Do the right dhyana
Swami Vivekananda said, ‘If you are because of what you did in the past, then your future is what you are now!’ While that statement clearly highlights the concept of karma, it means something more than that as well. It alludes to an amazing property of our minds, which is also referenced in many places in our scriptures. “We become what we meditate upon”. That is the secret of the mind.
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Where the mother goes, the child follows…
The force of all pervading Time spun Mother Earth into Kali Yuga and the Dark Age set in. The virtues of gratitude, compassion, righteousness, purity, veracity and keenness of memory in mankind declined and gave in to lesser traits. Short lived men were ever surrounded by misery in their life span…
Did you know? Animal Kingdom in Bhagavatam!
Did you know how deadly scorpions and vipers got their ‘deadliness’?
Did you know the philosophy behind spider’s cobwebs?
Kids Quiz
Its that time of the year when we remember our mother land, Bharat. Lets test our knowledge about India’s leaders post Independence…
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Kids Corner – Gokulam and Govardhan Lila
Kishori from Chicago IL and Haritha Madhuri from Dallas TX have sent us their beautiful drawings.
Guru Poornima Celebrations in the US
Guru Poornima was celebrated on July 25th this year by satsangs around the country in a grand manner. The highlight of all the satsangs was the exclusive discourse DVD presentation “Madhuasmaranam—My Guru as I see Him” by Dr. A. Bhagyanathan, Personal Secretary to HH Maharanyam Sri Muralidhara Swamiji.
In Seattle, kids dressed up like great Mahans like Adi Sankara, Aandal, Meera Bai, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa etc. and enthralled the satsang members with their performance.
At the Houston Namadwaar was held 12 hours of Akhanda Mahamantra kirtan in the presence of the Holy Padukas of HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. Detailed Report and pictures…
In Redding, CA, an Akhanda Nama Sankirtan was performed between 5 am and 5 pm in the presence of the Holy Padukas of HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. Detailed report and pictures
In Chicago, a six-hour Akhanda Nama Sankirtan was held to commemorate Guru Poornima. Detailed report and pictures
In Boston, a six-hour Akhanda Nama Sankirtan followed by a special Gopa Kuteeram performance by satsang kids was held. Detailed report, pictures and video
Guru Poornima was also celebrated with special satsangs in Dallas, Glen Allen VA, Orlando, Hartford CT and Milwaukee.
Events for the month
- Houston G.O.D. will conduct Gopa Kuteeram Summer camp for kids (for ages 4-16)from Aug 5—Aug 8 at the Namadwaar. Call 1 (830) 4 GOD HOU for more details.
- Chicago G.O.D. will conduct Gopa Kuteeram on Aug 29th. Contact (630) – 8518578
- Celebrations marking Krishna Janmashtami will be held by GOD satsangs across the country during the first weekend of September.
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