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The Supreme Secret
The cinema theater is dark except for the huge, brightly lit screen. We are there to watch a science fiction thriller. As the events unfold on the screen, we are absorbed into the movie…
Mataji Krishnabai, Epitome of Guru Bhakti
It is said that reminiscing the divine qualities of saints is a sure way to progress in our spiritual quest. Saints are those rare species, who being in communion with God always, show that equality among all is a distinct possibility. All differences such as race, gender, status, etc. melt away into oblivion. The path shown by these spiritual giants is the much needed panacea for peace in this world. Saints from the feminine gender have made the same, if not greater, impact as saints from opposite gender. Names such as Meerabai, Muktabai, Janabai, Mother Sarada Devi, Anandamayi Ma immediately spring forth when we remember female saints. One such mahatma was Mataji Krishnabai, who baffled the entire world with her staunch devotion to her guru, Swami Papa Ramdas..
Just this one time…
Resolutions for change are very popular around New Year or birthdays when people get motivated to start off on a clean slate in an effort to better their lives. Whether it is to do a daily 20 minute work-out session or the promise to follow the motto, ‘early to bed, early to rise’, most people take the opportunity of a new calendar to change.
Click here to read the article….
Kids’ Storytime – True Bhakti
“God is hungering only for love. He is not satisfied with mere religious forms and ceremonial worship. Pure love and devotion alone satisfies Him,” Papa Ramdas used to say. In this context, he narrates a beautiful story.
Kids’ Crossword – Vrindavan Trivia
February is the month for love. Vrindavan is the one place where Krishna was loved the most. Let’s see if you can crack this crossword based on His sojourn at Vrindavan. Click here to see the puzzle
News of the month
Seattle GOD Satsang started the year with Akhanda Nama sankirtan on Jan 8, 2011. Click here for a detailed report.
Seattle’s Dancing Peacock Puppet company also conducted a Republic Day special puppet show. Click here to read more
Connecticut GOD satsang celebrated its first anniversary on Jan 23, 2011 at Hartford, CT. Read more here
Dallas GOD satsang held a special Akhanda Nama sankirtan on Jan 15, 2011. Read report here…
Upcoming Events
- GOD welcomes everyone to Houston, TX to celebrate the FIRST ANNIVERSARY of NAMADWAAR, a prayer house powered by the Divine Name 3642 Bailey Avenue, Manvel, TX 77578 on March 19, 2011 For more information contact Jeevan Nair 281-573-8087
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