‘pUtAtmA’ means one with a pure self. ‘pUta Atma yasya sa pUtAtmA’. Bhagavan is called ‘pUtAtmA’ because He is not tarnished by the association of the three gunas or by any actions like in the case of a jeeva. In the divine names ‘bhUtabrut’ and ‘bhUtakrut’ we discussed how Bhagavan is the one who creates this universe, sustains this universe and He is the one who destroys this universe. So, when Bhagavan creates this universe or sustains this universe, for doing all these things, He needs to associate Himself with the rajoguna, sattvaguna and tamoguna. Is it not? But though Bhagavan takes up these gunas, He is not affected by them; He is not tarnished by them. So, He is called ‘pUtAtmA’. Similarly, every action a jeeva does, binds the jeeva. But in the case of Bhagavan, it does not bind Him. So Bhagavan is the creator, He is the destroyer. He does all these actions of creation, sustenance and destruction but still these actions do not bind Him. They do not tarnish Him. So, he is ‘pUtAtmA’. That’s why in Kalidharma Undiyar, our Guru Maharaj beautifully sings,
“mutthozhil purindum puriyAdirukkum mudalvA sharaNam undipara
muktikku vitthiDuvAy undipara”
In this our Guru Maharaj says, ‘mutthozhil purindum puriyAdirukkum’. This ‘puriyAdirukkum’ is a beautiful word. It has two meanings. One is ‘mutthozhil purindum’. Krishna, though You are the one who has created this universe and I can see this universe; ‘puriyAdirukkum’, still I don’t understand You. I see Your work but don’t know You. So ‘mutthozhil purindum puriyAdirukkum’. The other meaning of ‘mutthozhil purindum puriyAdirukkum’ is, though You do all this work of creation, sustenance and destruction; ‘puriyAdirukkum’- You do not do it. Those actions don’t touch You. You are totally unaffected by them. So ‘puriyAdirukkum’. You are not doing it. That is why Bhagavan is called ‘pUtAtmA’. It is Bhagavan who is beyond the three gunas. He is ‘gunAtheethA’. It is only by the grace of Bhagavan that we can also become ‘gunAtheethA’ and that we can also transcend the three gunas.
With that prayer, let us offer this day to Bhagavan by chanting Mahamantra three times.
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare|
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare||
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