Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam Meaning Blog
Muktaanaam Paramaagati Bhagavan is called ‘muktAnAm paramAgathi’ because He is the Supreme goal for even muktAs. The muktAs are realized souls. They are liberated souls. They are ever free. If we look at a common jiva, usually we roam around …
Bhootabhrit Bhagavan is called Bhutabhrut because ‘bhUtAni bhibharti iti bhUtabhrut’. Bhagavan is the one, who bears or supports everything in this universe. So, He is called Bhutabhrut. Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpadal says, “sattva guNam adhishThAya bhUtAni bhibharti pAlayati dhArayati pOshayati …

Avyaya: Bhagavan is called ‘Avyaya’, because He is indestructible. Sri Shankara BhagavadpadaL says, “na vyeti nAsya vinAsho vikaro vA vidyata iti avyayah”. Bhagavan is not only indestructible, but He also does not undergo any change or transformation. It is kAlA …

Paramaatmaa: He who is param, He who is Supreme and He who is the Atma or the soul is ‘Paramatma’ and Bhagavan is Paramatma. He is the Supreme Soul.Bhagavan is Supreme, He is param, because there is nobody or nothing …

Pootaatmaa ‘pUtAtmA’ means one with a pure self. ‘pUta Atma yasya sa pUtAtmA’. Bhagavan is called ‘pUtAtmA’ because He is not tarnished by the association of the three gunas or by any actions like in the case of a jeeva. …

BhootaBhaavana: Bhagavan is called ‘bhUtabhAvana:’ because He nourishes all the created beings. In the divine name ‘bhUtabhrut’, we already discussed how Bhagawan is the supporter, sustainer, protector, and the nourisher of all the created beings in this universe. In this …

Bhootaatmaa Bhagavan is called ‘bhUtAtmA’, because He is the Atma of all the bhUtAs. ‘bhUtAnAm antaryAmi iti bhUtAtmA’. Bhagavan is the in-dweller of all the created beings in this entire universe. Just as we have this sharIrA, we have this …

BHAAVAHA : Bhagavan is called ‘bhAvaha’, because He exists as this Universe – ‘prapancha rUpENa bhavati iti bhAvaha’. Because He exists in the form of this universe, He is called bhAvaha. We already discussed in the divine name ‘Vishwam’ how …

BHUTAKRUT: Bhagavan is called bhUtakrut because He is the creator of all the beings; sentient or insentient. That’s what we mean when we chant the sloka in Vishnu Sahasranama Stotra – ‘jangamA jangamam chEdam jagan nArayanOdbhavam’ In this entire universe, …