Bhagavan is called bhUtakrut because He is the creator of all the beings; sentient or insentient. That’s what we mean when we chant the sloka in Vishnu Sahasranama Stotra –
‘jangamA jangamam chEdam jagan nArayanOdbhavam’
In this entire universe, all the created beings have evolved from Narayana – ‘jagan nArayanO bhvam’. Since everyone is created by Bhagavan, He is ‘bhUtakrut’. Bhagavan assumes Rajo Guna and He takes the form of Lord Brahma and He becomes the creator of this universe. So as Brahma, Bhagavan is ‘bhUtakrut’. But Bhagavan is called ‘bhUtakrut’ also because He is the destroyer of this universe. Because ‘bhUtakrut’ can also mean ‘kruntati’, ‘krunOti’ and ‘hInasti itI’. Bhagavan assumes the form of Lord Rudra and destroys this entire universe at the time of pralaya or dissolution. So, Bhagavan is called ‘bhUtakrut’ because He is not just the creator of this universe, but He is also the one who destroys this universe as Rudra. He takes the form of Lord Brahma to create, He takes the form of Lord Vishnu to sustain and He takes the form of Lord Rudra to destroy this universe.
That’s why in Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavan Himself says-
“AtmamAyAm samAvishya sOham guNamayIm dvija
srujan rakshan haran vishvam dadhre samjnAm kriyOchitAm” 4.7.51
He says, I am Vishnu, I am Brahma, I am Lord Rudra, I am all the three.
With this thought that Bhagavan is our creator, let us offer this day to Bhagavan by chanting Mahamantra three times.
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare|
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare||
Watch the YouTube video for this Nama here: