Bhagavan’s Eagerness to take us into His fold!
In the last few episodes of Sri Venkatesha Vaibhavam we were blessed to enjoy the stories behind the descent of the seven hills through Sri Ramanujamji’s lectures. Now let’s continue to enjoy the glory, grandeur and majesty of Srinivasa Perumal based on the discourses about the leelas of Lord Sri Venkateshwara by Sri Poornimaji, given at Sri Aishwarya Srinivasa Perumal Temple @ Namadwaar Houston in December 2022.
Out of infinite compassion Lord Srinivasa Perumal to bless the devotees of North America, planned and arranged a place for His divine descent as archavatara murthi in this holy land.
Bhagavan is always desperate to bring all the devotees into His fold . In Srimad Ramayana, Sage Valmiki shows how Sri Ramachandra Prabhu suffered when seperated from Sita Mata and took great efforts to unite with her. Sita Mata is the representation of an ‘uttama jiva’ here. So Bhagavan tirelessly strives to help the ‘jiva’ attain Him.
However, one may question, during Pralaya Kala (final dissolution of the universe) all the souls ultimately do become one with Bhagavan; if that’s the case what is the need to attain Him even before this. Sri Swamiji gives a beautiful analogy in this context. A child sleeping on a mother’s lap would never know all the love the mother showers by caressing or fondling the child. Alas, it’s drowned in the slumber of ignorance. Likewise a jiva who becomes one with Bhagavan at the time of Pralaya is drowned in ignorance and hence can never understand the blessing and joy of being one with Bhagavan.
Hence, Bhagavan created this beautiful world and gave us the senses to enjoy the world and there by look for the creator, admire His creation and yearn to become one with Him. Unfortunately, blinded by mundane pleasures people failed to realize this and so the intention of Bhagvaan did not get fulfilled. He then descended as Sri Ramachandra Prabhu and Bhagavan Sri Krishna – as Vibhava Avataras.
In Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya, the various states of Bhagavan is compared to the various sources of water on earth. Bhagavan’s incarnation as Vibhava Avathara is compared to that of the rain water. This means that the devotees who are present during the time of His incarnation (like during a torrential rain shower) alone will be blessed with His divine presence. However the fickle human mind could only find flaws even in this descent. Finally Bhagavan decided to descend as archavatara – as deities in the various temples. In this form, He is ever-present for everyone irrespective of the attitude, misgivings, likes or dislikes and is always available to simply only shower His grace, answer prayers and fulfill the wishes of all the devotees who come seeking Him. This state of Bhagavan is compared to the water stored in the lakes and reservoirs which is always available for people to satiate their thirst whenever they need.
The one kshetra and archavatara talked about in our Vedas, Puranas and sung by all azhwars including the foremost of the azhwars is Tirumala. Azhwars are the divyasooris in Vaikuntam, who descended on earth to sing the praise of lord Sri Hari in different kshetras. Hence these temples are called divyadesams and the hymns sung by the azhwars in praise of Perumal in these divyadesams is divyaprabhandam.
The intimacy and relationship each of the azhwars carry towards Perumal in different kshetras is very unique and special. However, when it comes to Tirupati Srinivasa Perumal the one bhavam that all the azhwars unanimously emote is, sharanagathi!
Nammazhwar who is generally always in ‘nayaki bhavam’
( perceiving Bhagavan as His beloved) surrenders to Srinivasa Perumal singing,
ulagam uNda peru vAyA ulappil kIrththi ammAnE!
nilavum sudar sUzhoLi mUrththi nediyAy adiyEn AruyirE!
thiladham ulkagukkAy ninRa thiruvEngdaththemperumAnE!
kula thol adiyEn una pAdham kUdumARu kURAyE
Bhagavan showed the entire universe in His mouth, but does He need a big mouth to swallow this world – not really! The meaning for “peru vAyA” here is, the big lovable heart that Bhagavan possesses to embrace all of us in His Divine grace and compassion. The word ‘peru vAyA’ shows the eagerness that Bhagvan has to take all of us into His fold!
Periyavachan Pillai in his commentary says that Bhagavan’s eagerness is so very immense but our desire to attain Him is absolutely nothing. Inspite of this, Bhagavan does not want to forsake us, because He realizes that we are unaware of two things – the dangerous whirlpool of samsara that we are submerged in and the fact that the bond between the jiva and Bhagavan is irrevocable and eternal.
Periyavachan Pillai in his commentary implores to Bhagavan saying,
” Prabho, I am utterly incapable to attain you. But you being ‘sarvasharanyan’, please call for me. A word of Your call alone is my refuge! Your call shall remove all the obstacles that come in the way.”
This is how azhwar surrenders to Bhagavan. Atmanivedanam is the final goal and all the azhwars, purvacharyas and vaishnava acharyas only show this through their hymns. Sri Swamiji also surrenders at the feet of Srinivasa perumal singing,
oru nOdi nin tiruvadi nizhalil nAn irundhida
Kodi piravigaLil punyam vEndum vEnkatavA
(To remain at the shadow of Thy Lotus Feet even for a moment
Requires merits accumulated over crores of births.)
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