In this quiz, we shall experience the divine Yugala leelas through the nectarine verses in the divine Sri Madhurageethams of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji.
1. In this Sri Madhurageetham ‘antharbhavanE kusuma sugandhE’, Sri Swamiji portrays a divine scene between Lord Krishna and Radha Devi. What was Lord Krishna doing when Sri Radha Devi entered the divine abode of Lord Krishna?
a. Talking to his Gopa friends
b. Pretending to do some work
c. Pretending to be sleeping
2. In this Sri Madhurageetham ‘antharbhavanE kusuma sugandhE’, what was Sri Radha Devi holding in her hand when she entered the divine abode of Lord Krishna?
a. Butter
b. Milk
c. Curd
3. In this Sri Madhurageetham ‘antharbhavanE kusuma sugandhE’, what does Sri Radha Devi do when she sees Lord Krishna sleeping?
a. She drank the milk
b. She took the milk and gave it to Yashoda
c. She kept the milk next to Lord Krishna and left the room
4. In this Sri Madhurageetham ‘antharbhavanE kusuma sugandhE, name the verse where Sri Lord Krishna fondly refers to Sri Radha Devi as ‘smart’?
5. In this Sri Madhurageetham,——— Sri Swamiji describes this divine abode of Sri Thakurji in the divine company of the Devas.
a. Yugalam vasathi
b. Yugala pujayum
c. Yugalam yugalam
6. In the Sri Madhurageetham that describes how Sri Radha devi and Lord Krishna spend their day, name the instrument that Sri Radha Devi plays when Lord Krishna sings and dances gracefully.
a. Flute
b. Veena
c. Mridangam
7. In Sri Madhurageetham, ‘Gachathi rAdhA brindaranyam’, name the deity worshipped by Sri Radha Devi.
a. Lord Shiva (Gopeshwara)
b. Goddess Kathyayani
c. Lord Krishna
8. In which Sri Madhurageetham, does Sri Swamiji brings forth a beautiful conversation between Sri Radha Devi and Lord Krishna where they don’t converse directly but instead talk to the moon?
a. Ovvoru aNuvilum prEmaiyuDaiya rAdhai
b. Padhyatha rAdham pannaga dIrghavENim
c. oLiyE niLavoLiyE! kalAvathi peNNail kaNDAyO?
9. How does the moon (the mind of Lord Krishna) enjoy the divine company of Lord Krishna and Sri Radha Devi in Sri Madhurageetham, ‘oLiyE niLavoLiyE! kalAvathi peNNail kaNDAyO’ ?
a. By taking the divine couple on a boat ride in Yamuna
b. By witnessing the conversation between the divine couple
c. By witnessing the pranks they pulled on each other
10. In which Sri Madhurageetham does Sri Swamiji compare the gait of Sri Radha Rani to that of a hamsa bird?
a. gacChathi kriShNO vidyAshAlAm
b. gacChathi rAdhA brindAranYam
c. rAdhai enDrAl kaNNan thAnE
Compiled by: Ramya Srinivasan, San Jose, CA
Correct Answers:
1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c, 5-a, 6-b, 7-a, 8-c, 9-a, 10-b.
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