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Total knowledge, unconditional love, total surrender – one among these three alone can make us realize God. | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

A seed initially seems as inanimate. But when it is sowed in a fertile land and irrigated well, it certainly grows into a fine sapling. Likewise, the seed of Bhakti is hidden in everyone of us unmanifested. But, when sown …


One blessed with a long life, high social status, beauty, opulence or good health does not automatically qualify to be meritorious. Only the one who leads his entire life without sinning, indeed, is meritorious. | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

In general, one accrues merits when he offers something in charity and not when he receives something from others. Whereas, one accrues merits both, while offering something to a Mahan as well as receiving something from them. | HH Sri …


When we pick fruits from a fruit basket, if we find a rotten one, we put it back and take a good fruit. Likewise, when we have a bad thought, we may think that replacing that with a good thought …


We are able to bear the scorching heat of the midday sun when it falls directly us, but we are unable to walk barefoot on the hot sands! The reason is that the sand keeps receiving and storing the heat …


If we chant looking at the time, the results also take time | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

When science is silent, spirituality speaketh! | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

Man shows to what extent he can destroy this human birth; Mahans show how greatly useful it can be made! | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

When one is afflicted with sorrow, if he persists in prayers and not question the Lord as to why He is putting him into grief, when the difficult times pass, the Lord is pleased and rewards him with a special …


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