Transforming Tamas and Rajas – Sri Swamiji’s Beautiful Prayer
There are three kinds of gunas (qualities) in all of creation, including in each one of us – Sattva (purity and virtue), Rajas (action and passion), and Tamas (lethargy and sloth). Generally, it is the sattvic guna that is desired by devotees as it is closer to divinity, while the other two are further away and do not induce values desirable for bhaktas.
Mahans look at Bhagavan and seek His help to destroy their rajasic and tamasic gunas. They pray to Lord Parasurama, the destroyer of Kshatriyas, “Destroy the two gunas of rajas and tamas in me. Let the sattvic guna alone remain.”
Sri Swamiji though has a unique prayer.
“Oh Prabho! It is difficult for you to destroy the rajasic and tamasic gunas in me. So let them remain in me. Instead, please transform them the way I desire.
When my mind desires something or gets interested in worldly affairs, let my tamas begin to work so that I become lethargic towards worldly matters.
When the desire to see Bhagavan arises, let the rajasic guna begin to work so that I become active and earn deep passion in my endeavor to attain Bhagavan.
In the case of anubhava (experience) let me be sattvic, pure.
Why don’t you transform the gunas in me in this manner?”