A lucky group of youngsters from around North America have the fortune of interacting regularly with Sri Ramanujamji, as part of GOD North America’s Yuva Bhagavatam group. These youngsters, ranging in age from 13 to 24, are part of this group because they wish to enjoy the path of Bhagavata Dharma that they and their families are treading. Alongside their endeavors in school, college, and their professional and personal aspirations, these youth are also learning to enjoy and relish spiritual endeavors and appreciate a little bit more about our Sanatana Dharma.
They try to read a chapter or a few slokas of Srimad Bhagavatam daily, but without any pressure or deadlines. They try to chant a little Nama daily because they are starting to learn that simple faith in the words of the Guru go a long way. They are slowly developing a taste for Bhagavat katha and Bhagavat guna by listening to Sri Swamiji’s and his disciples’ discourses, for no other reason other than to just listen to their words.
Their inspiration in all of this, by Guru’s grace, is Sri Ramanujamji, disciple of Sri Swamiji, who lovingly interacts with the youth whenever possible, feeding them bits of nourishment from Bhagavatam and our Sanatana Dharma. By sharing valuable insights and stories through live talks, Q&A interactions, and specially recorded videos, Ramanujamji is slowly but surely guiding these youngsters in their own path of self-discovery.
Sri Ramanujamji’s talks for this youth group are also made publicly available on the Namadwaar E-Satsang YouTube channel for youth (and the young at heart) from anywhere in the world to benefit from. Here is the complete playlist that shall continue to grow as more talks are added: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf2GTja1Pr3PKmrTobF5Den80cOm1axVU
All youth in the age group 13 to 24 are welcome to be a part of the Yuva Bhagavatam group. For more information, please contact Skandhaprasad Hariharan ji at 647-823-9546.
Read here a gratitude tribute to Sri Ramanujamji from one of the participants of the Yuva Bhagavatam group.
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