Cherished Memoirs 90 – My Guru As I See Him Sri Swamiji’s visit to Udupi Kshethra This series chronicles sweet experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji as well as some divine experiences of Sri …
We began a new quiz series based on famous temples and monuments in India from Jan’2018. The third in this series is on the world-famous Udupi Sri Krishna Temple. Happy answering and learning! 1. Name the state where Udupi temple is …
1. The birth-name of Kanaka Dasa A. Gopala DasaruB. Thimmappa NayakaC. Biregowda 2. Name Kanaka Dasa’s GuruA. VyasarajaB. GopaladasaC. Madhva Pathi vittala Daasa 3. Kanakadasa composed how many compositions?A. Three-hundredB. Three-hundred and twentyC. Two-hundred and forty 4. In which temple can we find …