Sri Bodhendral
The Need of the Hour This article has been reproduced from its original publication on We live at a time when we have successfully reached Mars, and scientific advancements have progressed from micro to nanotechnology. However, a minute, invisible …
Bhakti (devotion) is intense love for the Lord. There are two pillars for bhakti. One is Kirtanam (singing of the Lord) and the other is Katha shravanam (listening to the Lord’s glories). Amidst all the different paths to attain the …
This series chronicles interesting experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. These articles are translations from the series, “Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar” that is published every month in Madhuramurali Tamil monthly magazine. Master’s Guidance “Gudiyatham” is a …