This series chronicles interesting experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. These articles are translations from the series, “Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar” that is published every month in Madhuramurali Tamil monthly magazine.
Master’s Guidance
“Gudiyatham” is a town near Vellore in Tamilnadu and originally called “kudiyettram” (settling down). By the grace of Sri Swamiji, Mahamantra Satsangs are being conducted regularly in various places across Tamil Nadu. In Gudiyatham too, Sri Manickam has been instrumental in spreading the Mahamantra kirtan to every house, street and neighborhood. He would take a pair of cymbals and visit various neighborhoods and begin chanting the Mahamantra. During the Tamil month of Margazhi (mid December to mid January), he would start at the crack of dawn and perform Nagara sankitan (singing the Mahamantra while walking in the streets). He also performs Akhanda Nama satsangs (continuous 12 hour chanting of Mahamantra) often and feeds the needy. Sri Thirumal, a school teacher by profession, also works tirelessly with Sri Manickam to spread Mahamatra Kirtan. If Sri Thirumal attended a discourse series in a new neighborhood, he would start a Mahamantra chanting session there.
Since 2007, Sri Swamiji started conducting mass prayer sessions and innumerable devoees who have participated in these sessions have been immensely benefited. So many came forward to host such prayer sessions. In Gudiyatham too, one was organized on February 26, 2012. After having attended a temple consecration, Sri Swamiji came to the venue of the mass prayer which had a huge gathering. Sri Achyuthan from Vellore was present too. Sri Achyuthan never failed to attend satsangs when Sri Swamiji visited the town, but that day, he arrived a little late and Sri Swamiji had already begun his discourse. Sri Achyuthan had planned a trip to Shirdi. He wanted to convey this to Sri Swamiji and seek His approval. But, Sri Swamiji had already started the discourse.
As Sri Achyuthan was listening to Sri Swamiji’s discourse, his mind was in a turmoil. When he looked at the number of people who had gathered, it seemed it would be impossible to approach Sri Swamiji. On the other hand, he knew that Sri Swamiji knew his heart and his prayers. ‘Had I come a little earlier, I could have avoided this confusion’, he thought. At that moment, a thought occurred to him, “If Sri Swamiji wants to give me his consent for the trip, then he would talk about Shirdi in today’s lecture.” Within moments, Sri Swamiji mentioned a point about Shirdi in the lecture and in spite of the large gathering, looked directly at Sri Achyuthan. Sri Achyuthan was stunned at Sri Swamiji’s divine gaze. His joy and astonishment knew no bounds.
Many devotees have had such divine experiences in different instances during Sri Swamiji’s discourses. One may get a solution to his issues at work place from Sri Swamiji’s lecture, another may get a cure for their mind-related issues while for others, it may yield a solution to their health problems. A few, who are practicing Japa and dhyana regularly, may have some doubt regarding their practice and the discourse would automatically clear their misgivings and show a way for their progress. What is astonishing is that, sometimes the answers would be provided even without the person actually posing a question to Sri Swamiji.
Once, in March 2012, when Sri Swamiji gave a discourse on the life history of various devotees at Chennai, on one dof the days, He spoke at length on Sri Bodhendral expounding on His life. As Sri Swamiji continued His discourse on that day, A long term devotee of Sri Swamiji witnessed a divine glow on the stage for a few moments. Many have had such similar divine experiences at various instances.
Original Tamil article by Dr.Bhagyanathan,
Madhuramurali May 2012. Translated by Viji Ramakrishnan, Dallas, TX