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Answers & Beyond HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji answers devotees’ questions Q: Swamiji, I have wondered at some people. They have all comforts and do not have any shortcomings; yet they are not happy. They live without even enjoying all …


Q. I have read in one of your messages that we should not be susceptible to emotional injuries that others might inflict upon us or emotional influence that others might try to wield on us. How to grow into such …


Spiritual questions answered by Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji   Q. Kindly advise us on how parents can impart good moral values to their children. A. In days yonder, joint family system was in vogue. The elders in the house imparted moral …


Spiritual questions answered by HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. Q. For over a long period of time many Gurus and Sages have come and gone. There have been innumerable disciples for these Gurus. These disciples were, no doubt, devoted their …


Spiritual questions answered by HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji Q. What makes the incarnation of Lord Krishna more special than the other incarnations of Lord Vishnu? A. “When we see a beautiful sight, we are naturally attracted towards it. When …


Spiritual questions answered by HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji Q. We say “Sarvam Vasudevamayam”. Then why is there so much of division in the name of caste, religion and in the name of God? A. ” When you are in …


Spiritual questions answered by HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji Q. I have read in one of your messages that we should not be susceptible to emotional injuries that others might inflict upon us or emotional influence that others might try …


Spiritual questions answered by HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji Q. India has the same earth, water and resources like other countries. When that is the case, what makes India ‘Holy’? A. Great saints have the same physical body like any common man. Would …


Spiritual questions answered by HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji Q. Why should one have a Guru? A. Devotion and Wisdom are not entities that can be comprehended or acquired by the use of one’s intellect. It is beyond that. If …


Spiritual questions answered by Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji Q. What is the definition of a good day? A: Good days are days when we stop finding faults in others and advising them and realize our shortcomings through honest introspection. Q: …


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