Blog Archives

With 50+ inches of rain in 4 days dropping 19 trillion gallons of water, 40000+ homes (and counting) destroyed, thousands of families displaced from their homes, all major rivers, levees, and bayous overflowing above record flood levels inundating everything in their …


This Month, That Year The Nama Dwaar newsletter of GOD USA was started in Aug 2008 and has published over 100 issues. In this new series, we will re-present some insightful, popular, relevant articles from previous issues. We hope you …


A man once set out to the temple. On the way, his slippers tore. He did not find a cobbler to fix them. He was skeptical about leaving them outside the temple, for fear of someone stealing it. He removed …


Nine-year-old Rhea told her mom, “I hate Rama! How could he send Sita away to the forest just because some man said something?! Poor Sita, she cried so much, yet Rama paid no heed!” Rhea’s mother was stunned. As parents …


In this fast paced insane life of ours, it is only a satsang that resuscitates. Then what is meant by ‘satsang’? How does that very supreme Lord Krishna define a satsang? What is the transformation that is effected? What is the need of the hour?


“All excellences like truth, cleanliness, forbearance, kindness, longevity, memory and strength will decay. A man’s worth will be estimated only with wealth rather than with virtuousness and character. Might will become right, being accepted as the factor determining what is …


Love is an essential ingredient in service. In fact, it is the only ingredient. For to love, is to serve. We naturally serve when we love. When we love our children, we serve them. When we love our spouses, we …


Learnings from Srimad Bhagavatam This is the concluding part of the 10-part series, “Learnings from Srimad Bhagavatam” that was published in this newsletter over the last year. Love is the one element in the world that always brings happiness and …


As children everywhere around the USA return to school and to all their weekly classes, (including Gopa Kuteeram classes conducted by GOD), mothers everywhere are busy planning their young children’s ‘future’ so to speak. What classes do they attend? What …


Guru Poornima Message In Srimad Bhagavatam, Sage Narada, while speaking to Sage Veda Vyasa about his earlier birth, says that he attained bhakti simply through association with sadhus. In fact, he says that the Lord Himself told him (then a …


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