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Learnings from Srimad Bhagavatam Bhagavata Dharma is the easiest and yet the most secretive dharma or path to God. Here, the devotee finds refuge in the Lord and spends every moment in His constant remembrance. In Srimad Bhagavatam, Lord Yama …


In the seventh canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, in answer to King Parikshith’s question requesting Sri Shuka to dispel his doubt whether Lord Narayana was partial (to the Devas) or impartial, Sri Shuka says: “… yad bhAgavata mAhAtmyaḿ bhagavad bhakti vardhanam…” …


Srimad Bhagavatam instantly touches one’s heart, as it unfolds the lives of bhagavatas, with their finest qualities like forgiveness, acceptance, gratitude, humility, steadfastness, love and so on. While the story of the jnani, Jadabharata, in the fifth Canto revels in …


Srimad Bhagavatam is so called not only because it contains the stories of Bhagavan but also because it is filled with stories of bhagavatas, the devotees of Bhagavan. These stories illustrate to us the qualities needed to attain Bhagavan and …


Srimad Bhagavatam reveals the supreme secret in its very first sloka where it uses the phrase -“satyam param dhimahi” (Let us meditate on the Supreme Lord of the nature of Truth). Bhagavan is the absolute truth and He alone is …


Gratitude, the mother of all virtues, is profound thankfulness.  It is a seed sown in the soil of love and humility. This seed sprouts out a new life full of happiness and contentment. Generally, only mahaans (great saints) are found …


Scriptures like Srimad Bhagavatam bring us face to face with the lives of bhagavatas (great devotees of the Lord). Interestingly, the situations they faced are not very different from those we face today, although the timelines are eras apart. However, the very reason they …


Srimad Bhagavatam, while describing the birth of Lord Krishna, says: “tam adbhutam bAlakam ambujEkshaNam, chatur–bhujam shankhagadAdyudAyudham…” ”The wonderful Lord appeared as a child with lotus eyes, carrying the divine conch, disc, mace and a lotus in each of his four …


HH Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, in His discourses, loves to highlight the compassion of the Lord. He would say “In the world, is there anyone more compassionate than the Lord who has created this world and us and has also given …


Moksha, which is relief from the cycle of transmigration and attaining the everlasting bliss is the sole purpose of human birth, and this is reiterated in many a scripture in the Sanatana Dharma including Srimad Bhagavatam. Srimad Bhagavatam shows us …


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