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On Saturday, September 6th 2014, Dallas GOD chapter celebrated Radhashtami in a grandeur at the residence of Sri. Hari RamaKrishnan & Smt. Anusha in Plano. Mahamantra sankirtan was chanted for 12 hours in the presence of the divine couple Sri …


By the causeless mercy of Sri MadhuriSakhi Sametha Sri Premika Varadan and ever compassionate Sri Swamiji, Dallas G.O.D satsang families celebrated Janmashtami together in a very grand manner. It all started on Saturday, August 16th 2014 morning at 8.00am at …


Guru Poornima was celebrated on July 12th 2014 at  Sri Ashwin & Smt. Aparna’s residence in the Dallas Metroplex. Mahamantra was chanted for 12 hours, around 30 people attended the satsang.

A much awaited day finally arrived and excitement knew no bounds. A day of celebration; celebration of  love and  gratitude, and a celebration of  ultimate supreme – the divine couple Sri Madhuri Sakhi Sametha Premika Varada Thakurji. On an auspicious …


Mahamantra Writing Contest Across USA Close to 100 children of all ages participated in a Rama Navami special Mahamantra writing contest across the USA in March-April 2014. Over a span of a few weeks, the enthusiastic children wrote hundreds of …


With the immense compassion and grace of Sri Swamiji , Dallas GopaKuteeram children celebrated Raam Navami with all pomp and splendor on Saturday, April 12th 2014. It was a beautiful sunny Saturday which was a befitting ambiance for a fun-filled …


With the blessings of Lord Sri Hari and Sri Swamiji, ‘Madhura Utsav – Srimad Bhagavata Saptaha Mahotsav, 2013’, organized by the Dallas GOD Chapter, commenced at the Pebble Creek Montessori School in Allen, TX, on November 23rd 2013,  a cold Sunday …


By the immense grace of Sri Swamiji, Dallas GOD celebrated Janmashtami 2013 at the residence of Sri Ramji and Mrs.Vidya on Saturday, August 28th 2013. After the recital of Bhagavatham Dhyana Shlokas, Nama chanting reverberated for about one and half hours. After …


By the grace of Sri Swamiji, Dallas GOD Chapter had the opportunity to serve the Bhutanese Refugees at their residential complex in Fortworth, TX on Saturday, August 10th 2013 . It was under overcast conditions that a few GOD families …


Dallas GOD Chapter conducted a Craft camp for Kids on Tuesday, July 2nd 2013. 11 kids and their parents participated in the camp. The camp began with the rendition of Mahamantra by all the kids, parents and volunteers. The kids …


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