Blog Archives
By the immense grace of Sri Swamiji, satsang families across US were blessed with Sri Ramanujamji’s visit from November 21’2016 to January 18’2017. Sri Ramanujamji landed in Dallas and a beautiful Madhura Utsav was conducted during the Thanksgiving weekend from …
Dallas GOD Chapter celebrated Sri Swamiji’s Jayanthi in a very grand manner at the residence of Sri.Kalyan and Smt.Hema Kalyan in Coppell. TX on Saturday, October 29th and Sunday October 30th 2016. Akanda Nama Sankirtan satsang was conducted joyfully in …
Dallas GOD Chapter conducted the annual 5K Walkathon on Saturday, October 8th 2016 at 6:30 am in Frisco Commons Park . The beautiful walkathon commenced with chanting the divine name and with Sri Swamiji and the divine couple leading the …
By the immense grace of Bhagavan and the blessings of Sri Swamiji, a 12 hour akanda nama satsang took place for the first time at the residence of Sri. Sreenivas Sadhanala and Smt. Sireesha Valavala in Frisco TX. On Saturday, …
Gopakuteeram sessions in Dallas are conducted in Plano, Frisco and Coppell areas. This year’s program came to an end with a grand finale on May 2016. About 30 kids participated in the GopaKuteeram Plano’s year end program that spanned across …
Being in a kingdom is so joyful. Being in satsang is divine. Being in the kingdom of Krishna Bakthi is blissful. Dallas Fort Worth residents enjoyed that bliss between April 22nd and 24th and continue to cherish those memories, The …
By the immense grace of Sri Swamiji and the Lord Sri Hari, The Dallas GOD chapter presented Sri Swamiji’s compositions on ‘Nama Mahima’, The Greatness of the Divine Names of the Lord and ‘Satsang Mahima’, The greatness of the association …
As a part of the larger family under the benign umbrella of grace of our beloved Swamiji His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, like every other year, this year too, Global Nama relay was a great success and by-far the …
By the immense grace of Sri Swamiji, Dallas GOD chapter celebrated its annual Madhura Utsav with Sri Ramanujam ji in grandeur during the Thanksgiving season this year from November 21-28 2015. The Utsav started off on Saturday November 21st, on …