Blog Archives

With Lord Sri Hari’s grace and the blessings of Sri Swamiji, the Dallas GOD Utsav was celebrated in a grand manner from 24th to 26th December, 2010,We celebrated Dallas GOD Utsav 2010 in a grand manner. The first day of …


Gopashtami was celebrated at Sri Mayakoothanji and Srimathi Jayathiji’s house on November 20th, 2010. On the day of Gopashtami innocent young Krishna helped Gopas and Gopis of Vrindavan, and so this special Gopashtami satsang was conducted by our young Gopas …


Dallas GOD Satsang celebrated our Sri Swamiji’s Jayanthi by doing Akanda Nama at Sri Ravi and Smt Arthi’s Residence at Dallas on Saturday, Nov 6TH between 2PM and 6PM The satsang started with Dhyana slokam followed by 3 hours Mahamantra …


Nama Sankirtan was conducted at Sri Anand and Smt.Asha’s house on August 21st, 2010 in Dallas. The chanting started off with Dyana sloka at 2pm. It was followed by Mahamantra kirtan for the next two hours. The devotees recited Bhishma …


Kids summer program was conducted in Dallas from Aug 11-13 between 12.00 noon and 4.00 pm. Around 14 kids participated and were constantly engaged in Bhagavatha Dharma Activities. The daily schedule began with prabhodhanam (waking up the Lord) and ended …


Guru Poornima was celebrated in a grand manner by Dallas GOD on July 24 at the residence of Smt.Uma/Sri.Meyyappan. The Satsang started off with the chanting of Dhyana Slokhas. Then while the adults performed Nama Sankirtan, the children actively participated …


Akanda Nama Sankirtan and Gopa Kuteeram was conducted at the residence of Sri Raghuji and Smt.Boomaji on the 26th of June 2010. The satsang started off with Dyana sloka  and it was followed by Mahamantra kirtan. The chanting filled the whole …


Smt. Uma Meyyappan and Sri Meyyappan of Irving, TX are ardent devotees of HH Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. They  esired to have Sri Swamiji’s presence and blessings for the inauguration and gruhapravesh of their newly constructed montessori school in the Dallas area …


On 03/27/2010, Akanda Nama Sankirtan was conducted in Dallas at the residence of Shri Lakshmananji/Shyamalaji’s house.The Mahamantra chanting started off with the chanting of Dyana sloka at 2pm. This was followed by non stop mahamantra kirtan for about two hours. …


The much awaited 7 day long Srimad Bhagavata Saptaham at Karya Siddhi Hanuman Temple Frisco, TX in the evenings and Dallas GOD Utsav during the day, started on Dec 21 2009. By Divine grace, Sadhguru’s Holy Padukas arrived from Boston …


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