Vaasudeva Parattatva Dashakam
There are innumerable paths and many deities in our religion. Yet, if we closely look at our scriptures, they all talk about only One Supreme Lord! Even the wise saints who established the various faiths agree that there is only one Supreme Being. Sri Swamiji has written a set of ten slokas — known as Vasudeva Paratatva Dashakam — extolling this Supreme Lord. The lyrics and the meaning are presented below.
yasya pAdAravindasya tuLasIganda mohitA: |
sanakAdi mahAntopi vAsudEva: parEShvara: ||
The fragrance of Tulasi leaves from the Lotus Feet of the One, that is capable of captivating the great Sanakadis, That Vasudeva is the Supreme Lord!
dahanAd panchabANasya prasiddham shankaram prabhum |
leelayA mOhayatyESha: vAsudEva: parEShvara: ||
The one who sportingly mesmerized Lord Shankara who is known for torching/burning Lord Manmatha, That Vasudeva is the Supreme Lord!
AlOTya sarvashAstrANi vyAsEna parikIrtita: |
sa Eva karuNAsindu: vAsudEva: parEShvara: ||
After studying all the shastras, Sage Vyasa declared that He alone is the ocean of Mercy! That Vasudeva is the Supreme Lord!
ahitam kartumicchantam bhrigum cha munisatthamam |
prasIdayati vAtsalyAt vAsudEva: parEShvara: ||
He who pleased the venerable Sage Bhrigu who came with an intention to act adversely, with his motherly compassion/affection. That Vasudeva is the Supreme Lord!
bhavAnyA dattha shApOpi hasathA chitrakEthunA |
svIkruthO thasya nAthO vai vAsudEva: parEShvara: ||
The curse of Goddess Bhavani was accepted (calmly) by Chitraketu, with a smile. His Lord is none other than the Supreme Lord Vasudeva.
trimatastApakair dhIrai: munIndrairapi pUjitha: |
shlAgithashchApi thai: bhaktyA vAsudEva: parEShvara: ||
The One who is worshipped by the founders of the 3 philosophies, the 3 sages and is extolled by them with devotion! That Vasudeva is the Supreme Lord!
sruShTi karthA chathurmUrdhA: shankarO sruShTi nAshaka: |
bhUpAlanaparOyam vai vAsudEva: parEShvara: ||
Lord Brahma is the creator of the Universe and Lord Shiva the destroyer,
The One who nurtures this Creation,
That Vasudeva is the Supreme Lord!
asurEbhyO varam dattvA sankaTE patitAnasau |
rakShati brahmarudrAdIn vAsudEva: parEShvara: ||
Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva got into a difficult situation after bestowing boons to the demons,
The One who saved Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva,
That Vasudeva is the Supreme Lord!
samyagnutE gajEndrENa stutibhir lingavarjitai: |
ayamEva gatO pAtum vAsudEva: parEShvara: ||
When the song of praise that is devoid of attributes (gender), was done by Gajendra, it was this Lord Vasudeva the Supreme One who went to save Gajendra!
tyaktvA svadhAma vaikuNTham lOkAnugraha vAnjchayA |
avatArAmstu yashchakrE vAsudEva: parEShvara: ||
Abandoning his abode Vaikunta, out of compassion to bless the people of the world, He who incarnates periodically.That Vasudeva is the Supreme Lord!
dashakam ya: paThet etat paratatva prakAshakam |
prApnOti vimalam gnAnam muraLIdhara tOShakam ||
The one who reads these ten slokas that extoll the Supreme Truth,
will please Lord Muralidhara and by His Grace attain true wisdom.
Translated by
Sowmya Balasubramanian, Houston TX