By the immense grace of our Gurunathar and the divine couple, Jacksonville, FL Gopa Kuteeram family was blessed with a 5-day Sri Ramayana Satsang from Wednesday, April 10 through Sunday, April 14 of 2019. Sri Poornimaji and Houston Sri Ramaswamiji traveled to Jacksonville, by the divine will, and made the 5-day discourse series a grand event, mostly hosted by Gopa Kuteeram families. Not one but two auspicious occasions of Sri Ramanavami and the Tamil New Year fell into this 5-day window and Katha shravana of Lord Sri Rama was very apt for the occasion. Jacksonville’s Ramanavami came early on 4/10/19, as Lord Sri Rama descended 3 days ahead, with Sri Ramaswamiji starting the satsang at Smt. Sripriya & Sri Srinivas Miryalaji’s residence, with Rama Jananam. On 4/11/19 was Seetha Kalyanam by Sri Poornimaji at Smt. Vanipriya & Sri Selvendranji’s residence. Smt Priya & Sri Senthilkumarji hosted the satsang by Sri Ramaswamiji on 4/12/19 with the topic being Padhuka Pattabhishekam. 4/13/19 being Sri Ramanavami, we got blessed with two satsangs, one in the morning and one in the evening. Sri Ramaswamiji discoursed on the topic of Guru Mahima at Smt. Prathima & Sri Rajendra Samaluruji’s residence, including some cherished memories of Sri Maha Periyava and our own Gurunathar. On the evening of Sri Ramanavami, Sri Poornimaji had the audience of over 80, spell-bound with her speech on Sundara Kaandam at the Shirdi Sai Temple of Jacksonville.
On the morning of the Tamil New Year’s day, on 4/14/19, the Gopa Kuteeram families got together as a group to get an insight on Gopa Kuteeram and GOD. The GK children also performed some of the bhajans that they have been learning during the Utsavam-Utsaaham classes. The 5-day event concluded with Vibheeshana Sharanagathi and Sri Rama Pattabhishekam on the evening of 4/14/19 with Smt Deepthi & Sri Jagadeesh Vinjamuri hosting the satsang. The entire event consistently drew a 50+ audience despite being in homes, by Guruji’s grace. It is indeed an added blessing for all of us, that Sri Rama Parivar also traveled to each of those homes, and also listened to the entire discourse. Our prayers to Sri Guruji to bless us with such events more often and also make them successful by reaching more people.