Aho Rasikaah, is a Bhagavatam Workshop that was for the devotees who get-together once a week do learn the Parayana of Srimad bhagavatam. The event was held on Saturday, September 9th 2017 at Harvey Wheeler Community Center from 10am-12:30pm. They had successfully completed 7 chapters of the first canto and used Sri Poornimaji’s presence to celebrate their knowledge. These bunch of enthusiastic rasikaas of Srimad Bhagavatam, had to face challenges like read a given sloka from Srimad Bhagavatam, explain the meaning of the sloka that they had studied, summarize the content of each chapters (of all the 7 chapters) etc.
Sri Poornimaji, gave many tips on how to easily do the Parayana. She also highlighted that there is no substitute for a daily parayana of atleast 1 chapter to be a proficient reader. Local devotees from Boston area and a few devotees from other states like New Jeresey had a chance to participate in this event.