Consecration of Sri Madhuri Sakhi Sametha Sri Premika Varada Thakurji at Atlanta Namadwaar

By the benign grace of our beloved Gurumaharaj HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji and the causeless mercy of the divine couple Sri Sri Madhuri sakhi sametha Sri Premika Varadha Takurji, we were blessed to have Sri Ramanujamji and Sri Poornimaji grace Atlanta Namadwaar on the occasion of the consecration of marble Madhuri sakhi sametha Sri Premika Varadha Takurji.

The 4 day program began on March 15th 2018 with Madhuragitam Arpanam by kids. The second part of the Madhuragitam Arpanam by kids was on March 17 2018. Most, if not all, kids have been learning Madhuragitam (divine compositions of our Guru Maharaj) under the tutelage of Mrs. Gayatri Vasant.

Sri Ramanujamji’s pravachans

The evenings of March 15-17 were filled with Sri Ramanujamji’s exposition and introduction to the Spiritual Path (Sri Guruji’s Kali Dharma Undiyar), a divine grantha for the Kaliyuga. Sri Ramanujamji explained through several lovely examples the message of Our Guruji – that in this age of Kali, the easiest and the best suited path for today’s lifestyle is Nama Sankeerthana. Sri Ramanujamji briefly, but beautifully introduced the concept of “Anvayam Vyathirekham”. Explaining the first sloka of Kali Dharma Undiyar, Sri Ramanujamji explained that Guruji composed the grantha directed towards that atheist portion of our minds, which raises up once in a while and which prevents our spiritual progress. Just like the 5 elements of the earth are in harmony in spite of their adversarial relationship due to orchestration of Bhagavan, our consciousness is the manifestation of Bhagavan inside our minds that exists in harmony with our ego. Sri Ramanujamji explained that if we take away all our gross qualities (ego) in each of us, all that is left in us is consciousness, which is Bhagavan. Sri Ramanujamji explained further that just like we are able to dream without being physically present in the dream, we can experience and see Bhagavan’s manifestation without requiring physical proof. Vision is not something that is limited to that of physical seeing alone. Sri Ramanujamji further explained that the voice of conscience in each of us is the voice of God, and that since all Parama Gurus like our beloved Sri Guruji are devoid of ego, the voice of a Guru is the voice of God.

Sri Ramanujamji’s lectures ended each day with Dolostavam followed by dinner prasadam for all the bhaktas.

Sri Poornimaji’s pravachans:

During the morning sessions on the first two days of the event, Atlanta Satsang bhaktas were also treated to two lovely thought provoking lectures from Sri Poornimaji on the background and meaning of the Mahamantra Kirtan (Kalyiyum Bali Kolum). Sri Poornimaji explained Sri Guruji’s import in using the word “KaliyaYUM”, explaining that even Kali can be completely destroyed with the Mahamantra, and that one of the only redeeming quality of Kali, which is not part of any other Yuga, is the presence of Nama Sankeerthana. Sri Poornimaji also explained the concept of “Kalmasha Chitthanaam” in Kali Yuga, where, unlike in other Yugas, if we mentally hurt someone, we won’t accrue paapa, whereas if we even mentally think good about someone, we can accrue Punya. Sri Poornimaji also shared her experiences listening to “Kaliyayum Bali Kollum” for the first time in 2007. She described that, unlike various other compositions of Sri Guruji, which may have required 1 or 2 iterations for Sri Guruji’s Bhava and words to to be expressed, in the case of “Kaliyayum Bali Kollum”, Sri Guruji’s very first version of the song was remarkably complete, with such thoughtful and powerful language and import. For example, Sri Poornimaji said, in “Paavanam aakidum”, paavanam is such a powerful and apt word for the impact of the Mahamantra. Sri Poornimaji also explained that in every Yuga, in order to complete a Yaga or Yoga or Pooja or Dhyana, Nama Sankeertanam was required, but that in Kali Yuga, just chanting Mahamantra is enough –“Naamam ondre podhume”! Explaining “Eerettu Aavaranangal”, Sri Poornimaji explained that each of us is a spiritual being undergoing a human existence, and that there is joy and all good qualities in each and every being, it is just the Eerettu (2 X 8 = 16) agyanam/maya (aavaranangal) that is completely covering us from the Supreme being. A true Guru removes this agyanam and delivers us Mukti. Sri Poornimaji stressed the importance of chanting and filling the Namadwaar with Nama to all Atlanta Satsang bhakas apart from doing other Kainkaryam.

After Sri Poornimaji’s lectures on both March 16 and 17, Atlanta Satsang bhaktas sang 24 Astapathis in Namadwaar.

Mahila Divyanamam led by Sri Poornimaji:

On the night of March 16, after Sri Ramanujamji’s discourse, we then had a grand Mahila Divyanamam. All the girls and ladies participated in Divyananamam with zeal and joy. Sri Poornimaji and Mrs. Gayatri Vasant led the singing of Divyanamam kirtans. Sri Poornimaji joined in the Divyanamam dance to the joy of all those present at the occasion.

As March 17th was the first year anniversary of when the Atlanta Namadwaar was aquired, Sri Ramanujamji and Sri Poornimaji blessed the occasion by cake cutting ceremony. After prasadam that night, a fun filled and divine grand Janavasam for the divine couple took place.

Prathista of Sri MadhuriSakhi sametha Sri Premika Varadhan

On March 18, 2018, the much awaited day of prathista began with morning Prabhodhanam as usual. First, Thirumanjanam for Sri Takurji was performed with consecrated Yamuna jalam by Sri RamanujamJi. While Atlanta Bhajana mandali led by Sri Subra Ganesh Viswanathan and Smt. Gayatri Vasant sang sampradaya bhajans and kirtans as part of Radha Kalyanam, the marble and ustava deities were adorned with clothes, flowers and jewels. The bhakthas fortunate enough to be a part of this event will always remember the moment when the screens opened to reveal the divine couple in all their glory as the air resounded with divine names and Sri RamanujamJi performed the consecration and first harathi to the divine couple. A beautiful moment to cherish indeed!

Thirumanjanam, Prathista and Radha Kalyanam

Sri Ramanujamji then did prathista of Srimad Bhagavatam by placing it on the altar and the devotees chanted a few Bhagavata dhyana shlokas led by Sri Poornimaji. The ladies carried offerings for the divine couple as the choornikai, pravarams and lagnashtakam were chanted. The divine marriage was followed by more namavalis/madhuragitams and finally Harathi. A little later, everyone gathered in the Prasadam hall to enjoy Kalyana Maha Prasadam prepared lovingly by the Atlanta Satsang ladies. Over 100 devotees participated in the divine ceremony.

Gopa Kuteeram Performance

The festivities continued in the afternoon with a colorful performance by GK children of Atlanta from 7 GK Centers. They presented Sri Guruji’s compositions Madhuragitam in unique ways. Edgebrook/ Duluth/Alpharetta GK took turns singing the melodious mahamantra kirtan in 8 languages, followed by Market Place Boulevard GK singing ‘Jeya Jeya Radhe’ and Marietta GK dancing to ‘Jayam Undu’. Namapuram GK children performed a group dance to ‘Natwarlal Giridhara Gopal’. Hanover Place GK kids presented a heartwarming skit on Bhaktha Pundalika and later danced to ‘Jai Jai Vittala Hari’. The GOD Young Adults (GOD Y.A) also performed a beautiful kolattam dance. Over 150 GK parents, kids and bhaktas attended this event.
Mass prayer led by Sri Ramanujamji

This was followed by a mass prayer session led by Sri Ramanujamji. He stressed the importance of chanting the divine name for the welfare of one and all and over 120 people enthusiastically clapped and chanted the mahamantra in unison to wash away all their sins and look forward to a future with positivity.

Mass Prayer Session with Sri Ramanujamji
The first Dolotsavam songs for Marble Takurji were rendered by Satsang ladies. Sri Ramuji then blessed each family affectionately and presented a beautiful laminated picture of our Madhuri Sakhi sametha Premika Varadhan. Prasadam was served. With their hearts filled with Krishna smaranam, ears resounding with the divine name, and full stomachs, what more could Atlanta Bhakthas ask for? A beautiful Prathista to welcome Radha and Krishna to Atlanta. Guruji’s presence and blessings are truly felt in this community. Radhe Radhe!

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