Namadwaar, Atlanta:
By the immense grace of Sri Swamiji and Sri Premikavaradha Takurji, Atlanta Namadwaar celebrated Vaikunta Ekadashi on the 22nd December 2023. This auspicious day was celebrated with Garuda vahanam purrapadu. Colorful garlands were offered to the Lordships. Devotees joyfully chanted Nama. Madhurageetham was also offered for the pleasure of the Diving couple and Sri Swamiji during the purapadu.
Men, Women and Children were blessed with the opportunity to serve the divine couple during the purrapadu. The hour long celebration was concluded with Harathi and Dolotsavam.
Namadwaar, Houston:
On Dec 22nd Vaikunta Ekadashi and Gita Jayanti at the Houston Namadwaar was celebrated with special Suprabhata Seva, Thiruppapavai Chanting and Veedhi Bhajans at 7 am. Akhanda Mahamantra chanting continued 8 am – 4 pm.
Srimad Bhagavad Gita Parayanam continued from 4 – 8 pm.
Namadwaar, Virginia:
By the immense grace of His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara SwamiJi and the abundant grace of Sri Madhuri Sakhi Samedha Sri Premika Varada TakurJi, Namadwaar Virginia is blessed to celebrate Vaikunta Ekadashi and Gita Jayanthi on December 22nd.
The divine couple were adorned with flowers and jewels. The satsang started with Dhanur month seva Tirupalliezhuchi and Tiruppavai pasurams. Then Gadyams of Sri Premika Varadam , Sri Madhuri Sakhi, Sri Srinivasa and Sri Ranganatha were recited, while the divine couple were carried and they entered through the ‘Vaikunta Dwar’. This was followed by Guru, Mahalakshmi ashtothrams. Special Sahasranamavalli Ashtothra archana was performed to the Lordships. Then the devotees rendered Sri Madhurageethams on Krishna, Ranganatha, Vittal and Anjaneyar. The satsang concluded with kaliyayum bali kollum and Maha Arthi.
In the evening, devotees assembled again for Bhagavad Gita chanting. All the 18 chapters were recited and the devotees continued the satsang with Akhanda nama Mahamantra Sankirtan for 12 hrs from 8.30 pm to Dec 23, 8:30 am
The satsang concluded with Prabodhanam, Dhanur month seva and Maha arti.
Prayers to our Swamiji for blessing us with more nama and satsangs.