By the grace of Sri Swamiji, it was evident that how well the 2017 Gopakuteeram Annual day event was received by the community at large. Raleigh GOD satsang conducts two active classes for kuttikrishnas (below 6) and gopakuteeram for kids (above 6). The event was honored by two musical dignitaries, Smt. Vyjayanthi Jandhyala and Smt. Mytreyi Shastry Arvind as judges for the talent hunt. The event was held on Sunday, June 11 2017 and started with Sri Swamiji’s kirtan “Vikata Rajam Bhaje” by Kutti Krishna’s teacher Smt. Mathangi Kasiviswanathan. Mrs.Mahi Dorai warmly welcomed everyone and introduced GOD concept and the importance of Nama. It was followed by our Kutti Krishna kids sloka recital, followed by Dasavathar peresentation. They also presented a skit called Tottakacharya. This skit enhanced the Values, providing insights into our Sanathana dharma and the importance of a Guru in the journey of life. Elder GK kids then followed up with their slokas and bhajans that they had learnt through the year. They also enacted a skit Govardhana leela. This was followed by a 20-minute presentation of Smt. Mytreyi Shastry Arvind’s student’s vocal Indian classical songs of three different age group .
We then witnessed the much-anticipated talent show. There was a wide range of talent with kids showing off their instrumental skills (Violin and keyboard), sloka recital (ganesha slokas, Venu geetham, and bhagavath Gita) and singing skills (various songs) and storytelling (related to Santana Dharma). Trophies were honoured to the kids who won the Talent Hunt show.Certificates and Medals were distributed to all the kids who participated in the event. The event was well ended with Sri Swamiji’s Mahamantra Anthem “Kaliyayum Bali”. The kirtan was rendered in both Tamil and telugu versions.
We then enjoyed the Dinner prasadam followed by Krishna Leela based Carnival games. All the kids thoroughly enjoyed the games.The event was well attended with over 100 people consisting of parents and family of children attending our classes.