By the immense grace of His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara SwamiJi and the abundant grace of Sri Madhuri Sakhi Samedha Sri Premika Varada TakurJi, Namadwaar Virginia celebrated the KrishnAji kA khElA on Saturday, Sep 28, 2024 at Sri SrikanthJi and Smt NithyaJi’s house at Herndon, VA. The Sri SwamiJi’s holy Padhuka, divine Lordships were adorned with jewels and garlands, were gracefully seated. The satsang started with Mahamantra Nama Sankirtan. After Guru vandhanam, Dhyana slokas, the devotees rendered thodaya mangalam. Radha, Krishna kirtans, Srinivasa kirtana were rendered. Flowers were offered to Sri SwamiJi and the divine couple while the devotees chanted Radha Krishna Namavali.
Anjaneyar kirtans and prayers kirtans were rendered. Sri MuraliJi did a pravachan on Nama Vaibhavam and Sri GuruMaharaj’s prabhavam. The satsang concluded with Kaliyayum bali kollum kirtan and Maha Arati. Lunch Maha prasad was served.
Nama Bhiksha:
Virginia Namadwaar had a several nama chanting satsangs in the month of Sep. Every Saturday, Mahamantra Nama Chanting at HCV temple. Virginia Namadwaar had a Mahamantra nama chanting satsang on Friday, Sep 20th at the residence of Sri Sudershan Anand and Smt Mala. After nama, there was a pravachan on Nama Mahima by Sri.MuraliJi. Satsang concluded with Kaliyayum bali kollum kirtan and Maha Arti. Sep 11th – 3:30 pm – 6 pm – Mahamantra Nama Sankirtan Onam & Sri Vamana Jayanthi – September 15th – 1:00 pm – 3 pm