As part of spreading mahamantra and God Satsang in other cities, our GOD Satsang performed Radha kalyanam at Albany NY for our Takurji on last Saturday, Nov 10th.
Kumari Muktha Nair and Chi. Mukund Nair from Houston led the entire Radha kalyanam. The program was well attended by over 30 devotees. The host Sri Vasuji as well as others were pleasantly surprised and amazed by the beautiful vocal and percussion performance respectively of the youthful Houston sibling duo that exuded guru bhakti and kainkarya bhaavam…
The simplicity of the path touched their hearts and many of them wanted more such programs and satsangs. Hoping to perform more Radha Kalyanam/Satsangs/Bhagavatam in future…
This was possible by the grace of Sri G thanks to the seed of Nama that Sri Poornimaji had sown back in September last year in Albany.