Radhashtami – the birth day of Sri Radha Devi was celebrated on Sunday,September 20th 2015 at Houston Namadwaar with a Jhoola (swing) Utsav for the Divine Couple.
Lord Krishna and Radha Devi were placed on a swing and kirtans were sung to celebrate and glorify them. The kirtans started from Radha Devi’s birth, her love for Krishna from childhood, kirtans on Krishna-Radha Yugalam, Radha Devi’s viraham, then Gopika Gitam.
After Krishna’s reappearance after the Gopika Gitam, all the ladies and children at the satsang danced kolattam around the Divine Couple to several songs.Finally the divine evening concluded with prayer kirtans to Sri Radha Devi to bless everyone with Krishna bhakti.