On the evening of Saturday Jan 30th, Sri Ramanujamji captivated the hearts of about 60+ devotees at the Shirdi Sai Center at Dracut, MA. He started off explaining the worldly love and how one ‘falls in worldly love’. Then he went on to explain the Divine Love and how one ‘rises in Divine Love’. He beautifully illustrated the concept by presenting the story of Uddhava and the Gopis from Srimad Bhagavatam. “Vande Nanda Vraja streenaam paadarenum abhikshnasah | Yaasaam harikathotgitam punaati bhuvanatrayam” – He expounded on this sloka, that speaks about the glory of the dust at the feet of the great Prema Bhaktas, which everyone should aspire for, should we want that supreme state of Prema Bhakti.
The lecture was coordinated by Mrs. Nithya Balasubramanian of our satsang. The temple authorities were extremely moved by the richness of Bhagavatam and the manner in which it was expounded.