Date: Jan 31 2009
Time: 3:30pm – 5:30pm Central
Venue: Residence of Sri Zivan Prakash Smt Yamini Zivan Prakash, Aurora, IL
The satsang started with the Mahamantra Kirtan for a few min. The following songs were sung for bhajans that followed the Mahamantra Kirtan
1. Jaya jaya Radhe
2. Kuzhandai Kannan
3. Brindhavanam bhaje
4. Rama Ramana Hari
5. Bhagavatha priya namo namo
6. Guru maata Guru pita
7. Agacha agacha sajjana sangam
8. a couple of Telugu Kirtans
Sri Zivan Prakash ji talked about the importance of satsang and that satsang is so rare that only a few people are blessed with satsang. He then narrated the story of Hanuman explaining how Sri Hanuman proved to be an epitome of service and devotion. His narration of the stores extolling the Divine names of the lord and stories from Srimad Bhagawatam instilled in the minds of the devotees, the fact that Namakirtan is the only sword that cuts the chain of samsara in kali Yuga. The satsang concluded with Harthi. The devotees were given a copy of the Namawaar News letter, Mahamantra stickers and tambulam Prasad.
About 21 devotees (12 adults and 9 kids) were blessed to attend this satsang. The kids have already started their count-down for the satsang on the last Sunday of February 2009 that would have many more kids programs to enhance their spiritual knowledge.