With the causeless mercy of our dear Sri Guruji and Madhuri Sakhi sametha Premikavaradhan, Virginia Namadwaar celebrated govindha pattabishekam, the coronation of our Gopalan, as Govinda….”Devargal suzhnthu Govinda Govinda endru mudi sootinare”…..on 8th November.
The Satsang started with Mahamantra kirtan. This was followed by Bhagavata parayanam from Dasama skandham. A beautiful Krishna was made with fruits depicting the lifting of Govardhan mountain. Meanwhile, the devotees rendered many Guru kirtans and did Guru vandhanam for Sri Swamiji’s birthday and Madhurageethams related to Govardhana Leela and Govinda pattabishekam. our Takurji was showered with flowers and Govinda nama.
Following this, Tulasi vivah was celebrated. Tulasi Devi was adorned with flowers. Thulasi ashtotaram was recited and Pushpa Archana was done to Tulasi Devi by the little girls. Madhurageethams for Tulasi Devi was rendered. This was followed by Kalyana ashtapathis. Satsang concluded with Kaliyayum kirtan and cutting a cake for Sri G’s birthday. Dinner prasad was served.