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Mahans: Incomprehensible, but Accessible
Defining the nature of a Mahan (a Realized saint) can be as challenging as cracking an ‘open secret’. How then can we understand them? Read on…
Prayers are Always Answered: The Texas Drought Story
Sincere prayers are always answered. Only, the answer may not be in the manner or in the time that we expect. And in fact, only with the grace of God can we even realize that our prayers have actually been answered.
The Texas drought story is a clear illustration of this fact.
Read all about it here
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
Pages of Inspiration–Book Review
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, the English translation of the Bengali Kathamrita, gives us a rare insight into the life of this great mahatma. What makes this book appealing is…
Click here to read the rest of this article.
The Divine Provider
Once Sage Durvasa visited Hastinapura with thousands of his disciples. Duryodhana and rest of the Kauravas received him with respect, honored him and served them all humbly…
Click here to read what happened next.
Kid’s Quiz — Lord Parasurama Trivia
Lord Parasurama’s jayanthi falls this month (April 24 2012). Let’s see how much you know about this avatar of Lord Vishnu.
Click here to test your knowledge.
News of the month
Sri Poornimaji, who currently traveling in the US, continued her satsangs in various temples and homes in the New England Area in March. Click the below links to read the specific reports:
Andover temple
Lexington, MA
Quincy, MA
Dallas GOD chapter conducted a wonderful 6-day Swarna Jayanthi and Madhura Utsav celebration spanning two weekends, that concluded with a divine Mass Prayer by Sri Poornimaji where hundreds of people chanted the Mahamantra in unison.
Click here to read the detailed report and view pictures.
Houston Namadwaar’s second anniversary celebrations were conducted in a grand manner on March 9-10 with a 24-hour Prayer for Peace, and a Commemorative Cultural Program with a Mass Prayer by Sri Poornimaji and classical music and dance performances by popular Houston-area artistes. Click here to read the detailed report and see pictures.
Houston GOD chapter conducted a 2-day Gopa Kuteeram “Traditional Treasures” Spring Workshop for youngsters, where the participants were exposed to the modern scientific contributions of ancient India and Indian scriptures. Click here to read the detailed report and view pictures.
Upcoming Events
Sri Poornimaji’s Programs
Chicago, IL
Apr 13-15, 7-8:30 pm: Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, Lemont IL, Discourse on “Nectarine Bliss of Bhagavatam”
Apr 15, 10 am-12 Noon: Eola Community Center Aurora IL, GOPA KUTEERAM ART COMPETITION
To register call Yamini at 630 8518578 or email
Houston, San Antonio and Corpus Christi, Texas
Apr 19, 6 pm: Shirdi Sai Jalaram Mandir, Sugar Land TX (Houston area), Bhajans followed by discourse on “Guru Mahima”
Apr 20, 7 pm: Hindu Temple of San Antonio TX, Bhajans followed by discourse on “Greatness of the Divine Name”
Apr 21, 5 pm: Sri Venkateshwara Temple of Corpus Christi TX, Bhajans followed by discourse on “Greatness of the Divine Name”
Houston & Corpus Christi programs, contact: Jeevan at 281-402-6585 or email
San Antonio program contact: Aparna at 425 765 7008
Atlanta, GA
Apr 28-29, 5 pm: The Hanuman Mandir, Alpharetta GA, Bhajans followed by discourse on “Bhakti Yoga: The Ultimate Path for Perfection”
Contact: Kishore/Jeya 404-788-7391
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