North America Sri Aishwarya Srinivasa Perumal Arrives at His Divine Abode in Houston
The auspicious day of Ratha Saptami was even more special this year. On this day, Sri Aishwarya Srinivasa Perumal started gracing daily darshan to all of us in North America from His divine abode, the new shrine at Namadwaar Houston.
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Maya
One day, Sri Swamiji jokingly mentioned that Maya, the divine deluding potency of Bhagavan, has taken a three-pronged incarnation in these times – TV, Cellphone, and the Internet! We can now slightly comprehend the gravity of that statement, because we, by experience, are seeing the effect of the internet upon our own lives, aren’t we?
With Faith in His Feet, and His Name on Our Lips
Govindanukku Aatpatta Kudumbamamma 12
Based on Sri Swamiji’s Madhurageetham, “Govindanukku Aatpatta Kudumbamamma Engal Kudumbam”, this series of articles speaks beautifully of how the family members of our satsang lead/need to lead their lives.
Generally, there would be a ‘vision document’ for an organization. The head of the organization would create that document.
This madhurageetham graced by Sri Swamiji feels like the ‘vision’ of the worldwide family beholden to our Govinda.
This series concludes with this episode…
Madhurageetham Quelish – Questions to Relish Sri Madhurageethams
The Lovely Poetic Embellishment of ‘Doubt’
We are relishing, little by little, the rasa in Sri Madhurageethams, compositions of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, in the form of ‘questions to relish’, which we call as a ‘quelish’, as shared by his disciple Sri Ramanujamji.
There are poetic embellishments called ‘bhrAntimAn’ (mistaken notion) and ‘sandeha:’ (doubt) which when used, beautify the mood of the poetry.
Now our ‘question to relish’ (quelish) is – Give examples from Sri Madhurageetham (compositions of Sri Swamiji) that have such an embellishment.
Madhurageethams on Bhishmacharya
A new year brings a new quiz series…
This month: Kirtans on Bhishmacharya from Sri Madhurageethams.
News of the Month ( Jan – Feb 2022)
GOD Atlanta events around Metro Atlanta, GA
Madhurageetham – youth concert festival 2022
Vasantha Panchami in Atlanta Namadwaar
Upcoming Events:
Please reach out to any G.O.D. North America regional coordinator or email for more details or Zoom information.
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