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Gratitude: The Mother of All Virtues
Learnings from Srimad Bhagavatam – 2
Gratitude, the mother of all virtues, is profound thankfulness. It is a seed sown in the soil of love and humility. This seed sprouts out a new life full of happiness and contentment. Generally, only mahaans (great saints) are found to be in that state of constant gratitude to the Lord. However, Srimad Bhagavatam points out that even a normal mortal can reach that exalted state of gratitude by the grace of God and Guru.
Can Fate Be Changed?
Cherished Memoirs – 2
This series chronicles sweet experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji as well as certain divine experiences of Sri Swamiji himself. These articles are translations from the series “Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar” that is published every month in Madhuramurali Tamil monthly magazine, in India.
Click here to read about a devotee’s amazing experience.
Thirukkudanthai Sri Aaraavamudhan
Madhura Geetam – Bharata Pradakshina – 2
His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji has composed several hundreds of kirtans glorifying various deities and depicting different bhavas of a devotee – from praise and enjoyment, friendship and motherhood, to love and intense prayer. Sri Swamiji has also composed many kirtans on various kshetras or places of pilgrimage around India.
In this series, we will go on a pradakshina of Bharata desha as we present, each month, a kirtan composed by Sri Swamiji on a particular kshetra. This month’s kirtan is a special one composed on the famous Sri Aaraavamudhan of Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu.
Click here to read about this lovely kirtan.
The Only Thing We Need to Know
Infinite ways to infinite bliss
Sri Swamiji says: “You need not understand ‘jiva’, ‘Atma’, ‘Brahman’, ‘japa’, ‘dhyana’ etc. You need not know anything at all! All you need to know is…
Click here to find out what is the only thing we need to know
Crossword – Sage Veda Vyasa
Guru Poornima, also known as Vyasa Poornima, falls this year on July 22. Sage Veda Vyasa, the great rishi who compiled the Vedas and gave the world most of the Puranas and Itihasas, and the Brahmasutras, is said to be the Guru of Sanatana Dharma; because without him, we would not have our great scriptures. Hence his jayanthi day is celebrated as Guru Poornima. Here’s a chance to learn more about this great sage.
Click here to solve the crossword.
June News
Holland, Michigan
Michigan Gopa Kuteeram celebrated its second annual day with a number of children’s performances and activities.
Cupertino, CA
Bay Area – Cupertino Gopa Kuteeram celebrated its first anniversary in June with a grand celebration.
Chicago, IL
Chicago GOD conducted its annual Gopa Kuteeram Summer Camp on June 14 and 15. The camp was filled with loads of fun activities for the kids.
Atlanta, GA
Atlanta GOD satsang conducted two special satsangs at devotee residences during June.
Houston, TX
Houston Gopa Kuteeram’s Li’l Gopas Summer Camp (Pearland area) was conducted on June 28-30. 24 kids in the age group 4-10 had a wonderful time.
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