Grace me on Your own accord
Bhagavata dharma is a dharma of prayers. Our Sri Swamiji has a very unique way of praying. This article, which is based on excerpts from Sri Ramanujam ji’s discourse on Sri Swamiji’s Madhurageethams shows us how to pray.
Click here to read the article
Remote Satsangs by Sri Ramanujam ji across US & Canada
Sri Swamiji has been pouring His krupa on all of us by continuously bestowing on us – the online Satsangs by Sri Ramanujam ji and Sri Ramaswamy ji. The lecture videos have been made in YouTube for us to watch and relish.
Significance Of Vaikasi Visakam
In the Hindu calendar, Vaikasi is known as the Vrishabha month occurring in the month of May/June which is the second Solar month. Visaka Nakshatra is the 16th Star in line with the 27 stars. When the Vaikasi month coincides with the Visaka Nakshatra( Full Moon or Pournami) that day is celebrated as Vaikasi Visagam.
Click here to read the significance of this auspicious occasion.
Cherished Memoirs 84
My Guru As I See Him
This series chronicles interesting experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji and divine experiences/words of Sri Swamiji.
Smt. Jayanthi Janakiraman ji recounts another beautiful incident from that the life of a devotee that shows how God answers earnest prayers!
Click here to read the entire article.
Childhood pastimes of Lord Sri Krishna and Sri Balram in Vraja
The 10th canto in Srimad Bhagavatam is known as “Ashrayam” or “refuge” for Lord Krishna’s devotees for it talks about the Lord’s incarnation and his sweet lilas on this Earth. Sri Swamiji has written beautiful kirtans on these various lilas of Lord Krishna. So, in this series, we will relish those lilas of Lord Krishna through Sri Swamiji’s kirtans.
This month, we shall enjoy the leela of the Lord on one such day when he gets ready to leave for the forest to enjoy a picnic (Vana-bhojana) with his friends.
Click here to read about their pastimes.
Story Time
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was a great saint who unleashed the flood of divine love through the Divine Name. Here is the next part of the comic-strip-type illustrated series on the life of this great saint.
Nimai and Tapanamisrar!
Click here to read the sixteenth part
Indian Women Saints
This month’s quiz is based on a women saints from India
How much do you know about this art form?
News of the Month (May – June 2020)
Sri Ramanujam ji’s Satsangs across US & Canada:
Houston Namadwaar, TX
Remote Satsangs by Sri Ramanujam ji across US & Canada
Other news:
Raleigh Gopa Kuteeram Annual Day in the presence of Sri Ramanujam ji via. online
Vaikasi Anusham – 2nd Anniversary of Nava Vrindhavan, Virginia Namadwaar
Sri Jagannatha Ratha Yatra Day Celebration via. Online, Virginia Namadwaar
Upcoming Events
Sri Ramanujam ji’s trip to USA
Sri M.K.Ramanujam ji, senior disciple of H.H. Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji is in the USA. Due to COVID-19 pandemic situation, all public events have been suspended until further notice. Satsangs are being conducted only via online/teleconference.
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