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What is Grace?
We use the word “Grace” very frequently.
But what does it really mean and how do we know its existence? Can we actually perceive it? And more importantly, how can we be so sure that we are not imagining it?
Click here to read this interesting article.
Cherished Memoirs
Sins and Merits – Are They True?
This series chronicles interesting experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji as well as certain divine experiences of Sri Swamiji himself. These articles are translations from the series “Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar” that is published every month in Madhuramurali Tamil monthly magazine in India, and are written by Dr. A. Bhagyanathan, personal secretary to Sri Swamiji.
In this issue – Sri Swamiji cleverly answers a fundamental question we all have about sins and merits, and shows how our minds are selective in nature.
Click here to read the article.
Madhura Geetam – Bharata Pradakshina
Tiruvidanthai – Lakshmi Varaha Perumal
In this series, we will go on a pradakshina of Bharata desha as we present, each month, a kirtan composed by His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji on a particular kshetra, starting from south India and then going north and back.
This month we will visit the holy town of Tiruvidanthai and the deity Lakshmi Varaha Perumal, who is in the form on a boar.
Click here to read about this kshetra and see Sri Swamiji’s kirtan on this Lord.
Story-Time: Children’s Contribution
The Greatness of Rama
Lord Rama possessed numerous wonderful virtues. Read this beautiful article enumerating his virtues written by a young 11-year-old.
Kid’s Quiz – Ramayana’s Avataras
March 28 is Rama Navami this year. Did you know Ramayana is the most popular Hindu story that has been presented in numerous different languages and versions by so many saints and is also an integral part of the culture in many countries around the world?
Take this quiz to learn about interesting variations and tidbits about Ramayana.
News of the month (Feb – Mar 2015)
Namadwaar’s 5th Anniversary Celebration Houston, TX
** Global Organization for Divinity and Love to Share Foundation celebrated the fifth anniversary of Houston Namadwaar Prayer House on March 7th and 8th with Nama sankirtan and community service respectively. Click here to read the report
Birthday Celebration with Akanda Nama in Orlando, FL
**An Orlando satsang family celebrated their son’s birthday auspiciously with a 4-hour Mahamantra chanting session at their place. Click here to read the report
Nama Relay in Atlanta, GA
**Satsang members of GOD Atlanta have been chanting the Mahamantra for one hour at different homes in the area for six days a week since the last week of February. Click here to read the report
Special satsang in Watauga, TX
**On Sunday, March 1st, Dallas GOD chapter performed a one hour Satsang during the fifth day of Srimad Bhagavatam Saptaham organized by the Bhutanese community in Watauga area. Click here to read the report
Ramayana Navaham by Sri Poornimaji in Atlanta, GA (Ongoing)
**Sri Hanuman Mandir of Atlanta has invited Sri Poornimaji to conduct a 9-day Ramayana lecture series as part of their grand Rama Navami celebrations. Sri Poornimaji is currently enthralling large crowds at the temple with her moving exposition of Valmiki Ramayana. Click here to read the report
Sri Poornima ji, a senior disciple of HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, will be touring the US between March and June 2015. She will conduct spiritual discourses and satsangs, Vasanta Utsavs, Bhagavata Retreat programs and more in various cities across the USA.
Please stay tuned to for details on each of her programs.
Raleigh, NC
** March 14-27 – Akanda Nama Saptaham at different places.
** March 28 – Gopa Kuteeram kids performance at Sri Shridi SaiBaba Mandir of North Carolina. For more details contact
Atlanta, GA
** March 20-28 – Hanuman Mandir Sri Rama Navami Celebrations and Ramayana Navaham by Sri Poornimaji
Orlando, Fl
** April 2-5 – Discourse on Srimad Ramayana by Sri Poornima ji at The Hindu temple, Casselberry, FL
Minneapolis, MN
** April 10-12 – Madhura Vasanta Utsav with Sri Poornima ji
Boston, MA
** April 13-24 – Srimad Bhagavata Saptaham and Radha Kalyanam by Sri Poornima ji
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plz inform if there is any session in coimbatore
well it is indeed interesting to hear Krishna Katha nd it is all becuz of Sri Sri MUralidhara swamiji’s blessing nd Sri Krishna’s grace here during end of March nd starting of april there was beautiful saptaham by swamiji diciples Sri Ramu ji nd Sri Murali ji ….