Nama Dwaar Newsletter – March 2020

The Need of the Hour

We live at a time when we have successfully reached Mars, and scientific advancements have progressed from micro to nanotechnology. However, a minute, invisible virus has managed to bring the entire world to a standstill.

In today’s scenario, combined with all the efforts that are being put forth to prevent the spread of the virus, every believer across the world is praying for the wellbeing of all.

Click here to read the entire article 

Cherished Memoirs 81

My Guru As I See Him

This series chronicles interesting experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji and divine experiences/words of Sri Swamiji.

The world is full of diversity. It is countless. Nothing remains the same but keeps changing. Similarly, the way bhaktas celebrate, decorate their Ishtta (favourite deity) in rapturous love would be novel every time. The way Sri Swamiji celebrates and takes delight in Premika Varadan is also the same.

Click here to read how Sri Swamiji celebrates Premika Varadan.


The Holy Land of Brindavan 

The 10th canto in Srimad Bhagavatam is known as “Ashrayam” or “refuge” for Lord Krishna’s devotees for it talks about the Lord’s incarnation and his sweet lilas on this Earth. Sri Swamiji has written beautiful kirtans on these various lilas of Lord Krishna. So, in this series, we will relish those lilas of Lord Krishna through Sri Swamiji’s kirtans.

For the past two months, we have been relishing Sri Swamiji’s songs on the grandeur, beauty, and sanctity of Brindavan – a land devoid of animosity, greed, and jealousy.

Click here to read how Sri Swamiji pleads the Mind to go to Brindavan.

Story Time


Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was a great saint who unleashed the flood of divine love through the Divine Name. Here is the next part of the comic-strip-type illustrated series on the life of this great saint.

Jagannatha Misrar’s demise

Click here to read the thirteenth part


Indian Art – Nirmal Painting

This month’s quiz is based on the Nirmal Painting art form, 

How much do you know about this art form?

Click here to take the quiz.

News of the Month (Feb – March 2020)

Sri Ramanujam ji’s Satsangs across the US:

Orlando, FL
Satsangs by Sri Ramanujam ji in Orlando, FL

New Jersey, NJ
Premaiva Sada Jayathi! – Divine Love ever triumphs, 5-Day Satsang series by Sri Ramanujam ji in New Jersey, NJ

Dallas, TX
Vasanthothsav Celebration in Dallas Namadwaar, Tx
Special Satsangs by Sri Ramanujam ji in Dallas Tx
Srimad Bhagavata Saptaham via. Online by Sri Ramanujam ji in Dallas Tx

Other news:

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Jayanthi Celebration in Virginia Namadwaar, VA


Upcoming Events

Sri Ramanujam ji’s trip to USA

Sri M.K.Ramanujam ji, senior disciple of H.H. Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji is in the USA. Due to COVID-19 pandemic situation, all public events have been suspended until further notice. Satsangs are being conducted  only via online/teleconference.


Sri Ramanujam ji’s Satsang Schedule across US and Canada:


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