Spirit of Service
“Humanity and Divinity are inseparable,” says Sri Swamiji. Selfless service for the benefit of humanity is itself a spiritual sadhana if done in the right spirit. If the service is done with no ulterior motive of gain – materialistic or spiritualistic, then it verily becomes ‘karma marga.’
Click here to read the whole article.
Cherished Memoirs 65
Know Faith, No Fate!
An interesting story narrated by an ardent devotee about her experience by chanting ‘Nama’.
Click here to read and be inspired.
‘Nama’ Alone is Sufficient!
God and his Grace are inseparable. God is not different from his Grace. The divine Name (Nama) is the means by which we can receive and store this grace….
Click here to read and be inspired.
Kid’s Contribution
Ajamila Charitram
Dhiya from Toronto Canada narrates the story of Ajamila from Srimad Bhagavatam.
Gaya Vishnu Padam
Quiz series based on famous temples and monuments in India. Happy answering and learning!
This month’s quiz is based on Gaya temple in North India.
News of the month (November 2018)
Sri Swami ji’s Jayanthi Celebration across the US & Canada:
Dallas Namadwaar, Garland TX – Click here for a detailed report
Toronto, Canada – Click here for a detailed report
Minnesota, MN – Click here for a detailed report
Virginia Namadwaar, VA – Click here for a detailed report
Ridgewood, NJ – Click here for a detailed report
Houston Namadwaar, Manvel TX – Click here for a detailed report
Detroit, MI – Click here for a detailed report
Other News
Radha Kalyanam in Albany, NY – Click here for a detailed report
Radha Kalyanam in Detroit, MI – Click here for a detailed report
Thulasi Kalyanam at Virginia Namadwaar, VA – Click here for a detailed report
Gopashtami Celebrations at Virginia Namadwaar, VA – Click here for a detailed report
Vishnu Deepam and Sharad Poornima celebrations at Virginia Namadwaar, VA – Click here for a detailed report
Upcoming Events
Houston, TX
Dec 24 – 30: Annual GOD Utsav in Houston Namadwaar, Tx – Click here to view the flyer
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