
How many times have we asked this question: “Why me?” Why did I have this accident? Why did I get cancer? Why did I lose my child? Why should I be the one who has contracted that one in a …


The Lord is always with us whether we know it or not. He is always there when we need him most and even when we are not thinking about Him at all. However, as soon as we invoke any one …


Chokamela is a great devotee of Lord Krishna and he lived in Pandharpur. His job was to build houses. Chokamela belonged to a lower caste, so priests of Pandharpur didn’t allow him to enter the temple. But this didn’t stop …


Premika Varada Dashakam Last month, we saw Premika Varada Ashtakam, a set of 8 shlokas on Sri Swamiji’s puja murthi, Sri Premika Varadan. Sri Swamiji has also composed a different set of 10 shlokas on Sri Premika Varadan. Reciting these …


The Bhagavad Gita was revealed by our Gopala Himself. Gopala means the one who nourishes everyone with milk from the cow; he’s the one who milks the cow. This milk is a source of nourishment to all of us. For …


Sri Swamiji’s puja murthi is Lord Krishna and Radha who have manifested as Sri Premika Varadan and Sri Madhuri sakhi. Premika Varada means the one who bestows prema – pure and unconditional love. The Lord and His consort reside in …


Rukmini was the daughter of Bhishmaka, the king of Vidarbha. She fell in love with and longed for Krishna, whose virtue, character, charm and greatness she had heard much of. Rukmini’s eldest brother Rukmi was a friend of Kamsa, who …


The below article is by a young listener of Sri Ramanujamji’s recent exposition of the Bhagavad Gita’s 12th Chapter on Bhakti Yoga in Jan 2017 at California. The listener writes here about what she gleaned and what touched her, from …


Kutti Krishna always wants butter. He gathered his friends and Balarama so he could grab the butter and go eat it with them. He went to get the butter at someone’s house.  He saw some butter and also saw that all …


  Kamsa, the blessed rakshasa who died in the hands of Krishna, was killed from the gift that his nephew, Krishna, was to give to him. Krishna threw the gift instead, killing the great uncle. Though an innocent murder, a …


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