
Sri Ramanujamji landed in the USA in the beginning of February 2020. For the first month and a half, he traveled around the USA visiting devotees in various cities, enlivening their lives with Sri Swamiji’s inspiring message and his association. …


This series chronicles sweet experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji as well as some divine experiences of Sri Swamiji himself. These articles are translations from the series “Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar” that is published every month …


What Should We Seek from God If He Appears Before Us? HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji has conducted Mass Prayers on January 1st of every year since 2007. These mass prayers are held in a new city each year. …


A Birthday Poem for Sri Guruji Dear Guruji, When it’s our birthday, you make us celebrate it joyfully You make us cut a cake and eat sweets You get us new clothes and have us go out to eat You …


On the occasion of Sri Swamiji’s jayanthi, re-publishing an article on the “Love of a Guru ” that was published earlier in the month of February 2013 –TO HAVE BEEN LOVED… AND TRULY LIVED!

It’s almost 26 years since our Madhurapuri Ashram was established. Although we have always been celebrating the birthday of Bhagavan, this is the 25th year after starting of the grand 10-day celebration of Janmashtami. The number of years is a …


Sri Swamiji celebrated the special occasion at the holy kshetras of Senganoor and Govindapuram, near Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu. That night was a rare total lunar eclipse, an extremely auspicious time to perform Nama sankirtan. So on Guru Poornima night, at Govindapuram (the hallowed  ‘Nama’ kshetra that is home to the jiva samadhi of the great saint Sri Bhagavan Nama Bodhendra Saraswati Swami), at Chaitanya Kuteeram (the abode of Lord Jagannatha and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu himself), under the shining full moon, blissful Mahamantra kirtan was performed. During the day, as part of the celebrations at Senganoor, Sri Swamiji gave a brief upanyasam about the significance of Guru Poornima and the importance of the Guru.


Here are some sweet words by Gopa Kuteeram children from around the USA and Canada to their mothers, on the special occasion of Mother’s Day.   My sister and I call our mom, Amma. It may just be a couple …


The Purpose of a Guru

A man once set out to the temple. On the way, his slippers tore. He did not find a cobbler to fix them. He was skeptical about leaving them outside the temple, for fear of someone stealing it. He removed …


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