Human Values

Infinite Ways to Infinite Bliss Excerpts from the discourses of HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji of Chennai, India.** How does man commit an offense? The very first time, he is afraid to do the wrong deed. He makes multiple attempts, …


Once upon a time, in a forest, there lived a woman by name Sabari. She wandered about the forest, ate whatever she came across and lived more like an animal. One day, she happened to pass by a place in …


The cinema theater is dark except for the huge, brightly lit screen. We are there to watch a science fiction thriller. As the events unfold on the screen, we are absorbed into the movie. We smile, laugh, cry and despair …


Resolutions for change are very popular around New Year or birthdays when people get motivated to start off on a clean slate in an effort to better their lives. Whether it is to do a daily 20 minute work-out session …


February is the month when Love is celebrated. During Lord Krishna’s avatara, the one place where He was loved the most was in Vrindavan. Let’s see if you can crack this crossword about the place and its people. Across 2 …


Book Review: A Search in Secret India Author: Paul Brunton Publisher: Srishti Publishers & Distributors To get a chance to read this book is in itself a blessing. Paul Brunton’s account of his travels in India in the first half …


Sanatana Dharma, the original name of what is now known as Hinduism, means Universal Righteousness. Sanatana means something which always is, never beginning nor ending, and is eternal in its very essence. Dharma (God’s Natural Law) is the sustainer of the earth. Sanatana Dharma comprises of the spiritual laws that …


Infinite Ways to Infinite Bliss In this section, we present excerpts from the discourses of Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji of Chennai, India.  The Highest Virtue “All virtues are contained in the highest virtue – humility. Likewise, all vices are contained …


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