
Answers & Beyond HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji answers devotees’ questions Q: Swamiji, I have wondered at some people. They have all comforts and do not have any shortcomings; yet they are not happy. They live without even enjoying all …


Sri Swamiji’s Message of Universal Love Reverberates in the Australian Parliament Dr. Bhagyaji, personal secretary of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, was invited to speak at the Australian parliament on Oct 17, 2019, at the launch of the National …


Madhurageetham : Sri Krishna Leela 11 Mrith Bakshana Leela (Eating Mud) Last month, we saw how the entire Gokula rejoiced in the mischievous butter stealing pranks of Lord Krishna and Balarama. The Gopis, under the pretext of complaining to Mother …


On the occasion of Sri Swamiji’s jayanthi, re-publishing an article on the “Love of a Guru ” that was published earlier in the month of February 2013 –TO HAVE BEEN LOVED… AND TRULY LIVED!

A Few of Our Experiences with Sri Swamiji To bring our experiences with Sri Sri Guruji into writing is a very difficult task. That too, it is impossible to explain personal experiences. We were blessed with Sri Guruji who is …


The Essence of the Scriptures Sri Veda Vyasa blessed us with the Vedas, which are the basis of our Sanatana Dharma. He also gave us Mahabharatam, one of the two Itihasas, and 17 of the 18 Puranas, along with the …


What is Satsang? Why Do We Need It? Sri Adi Shankara in his song, Bhaja Govindam, explains the greatness of satsang (association with sadhus or the Guru) in the lines – “satsangatvE nissangatvam, nissangatvE nirmOhatvam | nirmOhatvE nishchalatatvam, nishchalatatvE jIvanmuktihi ||” …


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