
Among the innumerable devotees of Lord Vishnu, 12 of them stand out. They were the ‘Azhwars’ who were bathed in unflinching devotion to the Lord and composed thousands of devotional verses on the Lord. A compilation of these verses is …


Madhurakavi Azhwar is unique among the 12 Azhwars, who were all great devotees of the Lord. Read this article about him and now see if you can crack this related quiz. 1. Name the Azhwar who was very devoted to …


“Yasya nisvasitam vedah” – Vedas are the breath of God or the Self, it is said. The Vedas, blessed to us by the Lord, stress on the fact that realizing God or Self is the ultimate purpose of life. These …


It is indeed a great fortune to be gifted with a Sadguru. When one’s devotion to God ripens, God in the form of the Guru shows Himself before the devotee to lead him out of the endless cycles of birth …


It is said that reminiscing the divine qualities of saints is a sure way to progress in our spiritual quest. Saints are those rare species, who being in communion with God always, show that equality among all is a distinct …


Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was a great avatara purusha, who came at a time when India was passing through a phase of decadence. Sri Ramakrishna demonstrated beyond doubt to the world, the reality of God and the validity of the time-honored …


A close aide of Swami Gnanananda Giri once asked him, “Swamiji, why are you taking the sins and sufferings of devotees and giving them punya (merits) in return?” With a smile, Swamiji answered, “We often see in streets men who come …


The divine soil of Bharat has been fertile with innumerable saints from time immemorial. Such rare gems have been born all over Bharat. Many of them sang the glories of the Lord and were a living embodiment of Bhakti. The …


In his work Shata sloki (100 verses), Adi Sankara says that in the vasanta ruthu (spring season) a cool breeze blows and fragrant flowers bloom in abundance, bringing joy to all. But neither the season nor the flowers are aware …


Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, one of the most revered Indian saints of the twentieth century, is known for his advocation of the Advaitic path of Self Enquiry as a way to liberation. But there is another path that he gave …


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