Swami Vivekananda
Sri Swamiji, in a recent discourse, beautifully explained what it means to see God, how Mahatmas saw God, and clearly delineated the pre-requisites, steps and process by which even we can see God. Read the below excerpt from his discourse …
Nivedita of India “Let me tell you frankly that I am now convinced that you have a great future in the work for India. What was wanted was not a man, but a woman – a real lioness – to …
This month’s quiz is based on Sister Nivedita. Inspired by the teachings of great masters of India, many spiritually elevated souls of other countries too, chose to serve humanity by being in this land. That is how Sister Nivedita was …
The Life of Sri Ramakrishna Parmahamsa The Lord has declared that whenever religion declines and chaos prevails, He would incarnate to protect the good and destroy the wicked and thus re-establish Dharma. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa is one of the greatest …
Human birth is rare indeed! Adi Sankara says: ‘jantu nAm nara janma durlabham!’ (of all births it is human birth that is the rarest). ‘aridu aridu mAnidarAi pirathal aridu’ (rare indeed it is to be born as a human), says …
This month’s quiz is on the famous Vivekananda Rock Memorial located near the southernmost tip of India in Tamil Nadu. 1. In which town is Vivekananda Rock Memorial located? a. Trichy b. Kanyakumari c. Madurai 2. Name the sea that …
This series chronicles interesting experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. These articles are translations from the series, “Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar” that is published every month in Madhuramurali Tamil monthly magazine. Let the Power of Motherhood …
July 12, 2014 was celebrated as Guru Poornima, an auspicious day to celebrate, worship and extol the greatness of the Guru. On this occasion, let’s see if you know who were the Gurus of some famous Indian personalities. 1. Who …
All Mahans – great yogis, jnanis and bhaktas who renounced the whole world for spiritual prowess, for Self-Knowledge, for the sake of their Lord – have nevertheless had a soft corner for their mothers. Sri Adi Shankara, the great Jnani …